Darwins ideas were dangerous to Darwin and, presumably to all who have the hutzpah to defy the belief in a loving, caring deity who, in order to show his love for his favorite critters, (humans). Darwin developed three central tenets of his theory
1. Everything living is releated to everything else and, in fact, had descended from " ancestors in common ". DArwin had some real evidence to show this. To do this, he adopted Huttons thinking that "the world is really old", older than religious books would have you believe. If that aint dangerous , The Reverend Bishop Wilberforce made a career of trying to smoke Darwin at every occasion (until the Rev was killed in an accident )
2 Darwin experimented on pidgeions, barnacles, bees and rodents-and he came up with a mechanism for his concept of "transmutation". He called it Natural Slection, as opposed to artificial selection practiced by animal breeders for centuries. The dangerous part of this was that his natural selection was "mindless mechanistsic, and as Thomas said an algorithm. No Gods Need Apply, was what everyone heard .
3 These changes of form accrued in little, bits at a time from generation to generation from "Ga" grandparents to descendents. This was spat at by Creation ists who believed that everything was pretty much "CREATED" in a form that was "fully formed" at origin. ASO for the Creationists to be right, all of Darwins, and oither scientists who followed, were wrong about all thoawe fossils that seemed to occur in intervals in the stratigraphic record. Thats dangerous out of hand to Creation "science". It then makes all the other myths suspect. VERRY DANGEROUS
We know today that DArwin was probably wrong in his fallback on natural selection. Hoqwever, this was a mechanism that , without the 200 years of subsequent data , Made pwerfect scientific sense. Now, with all of our evidence that shows that entire new faunal assembages occur after huge cataclysmic events and broad environmental changes,, we are fairly ure that most evolution is adaptive. GENOMICS, (the kind where scientists can actually look at "fossil genes ferom divergent living species) has enabled us to understand the actual relationships between LIVING species and speculate how they may have developed through paleohistory.
Daniel Dennet wrote a really good book , surprisingly called "DARWIN's DANGEROUS IDEA", Within which he critiques several concepts and beliefs in evolution, like Wrights "Evolution of God" and the concepts of Social Evolution. As Wandel said, its a theory of natural science that has been stretched to conveniently fit other less relevant areas . These too are dangerous to the science because they are mainly full of spweculation and holes of evidence which affects credibility of the theory.
Dennet is a cool ol fart.I have his picture in my office next tho a woodcut of DArwin. Heres his picture I found in Wiki
In 2006 he suffere3d a major heart problem which had him on deaths door. He was saved by a long operation and some tricky sewing. His friends and relatives , upon seeing him as he recuperated, aid that they prayed for him constantly. to which Dennet aske
"DID you als sacrifice a goat"?