Is Evolution a Dangerous Idea? If so, why?

Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2021 02:36 pm
They would know huh.

By virtue of wearing lab coats? Because they look official? Or because you can't use common sense and understand that people of all sorts are fallible?

And who are these scientists? Name one. Or I shall conclude they are "scientists" made for convenience because you don't want to deal with the Biblical account of the Great Flood.
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Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2021 02:42 pm
ok, you know more than engineering science about Pozzoloni> The fact that its just cement with volcanic ash doesnt make it some kind of "hidden technology", they were using what they had athand.
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2021 02:44 pm
Im not gonna continue arguing idiocy with this guy. Hes fulla **** about "Pantheon" and Noah' flood.
Oh well, sometimes we dont need no steenkin facts
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2021 04:14 pm
Hwre is a summary of the various hypotheses that re investigated by Pitman and Ryan. These flood events did not require that the earth be inundated but could have given rise to several of the Flood Myths.
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 02:35 am
Today, we don't know the formula for Greek Fire. We know napalm, which is similar volatile compound, but this is simply diesel and a gelling agent.
Greek Fire on the other hand, seems to have been strongly pyrophoric (ignites on air) and was supposed to even burn strongly on the surface of water.

It isn't "just volcanic ash" there's a recipe. Even analyzing the chemicals in it, we don't necessarily know the proportions.

In ancient China there was a type of tin bronze (read up on the Sword of Goujian) that was around since 7th century BC. The sword was found sitting underwater. The sword was watertight but more importantly, was able to be drawn, and the blade had no corrosion or even patina and was still sharp. They had it chemically analyzed pretty sure there aren't smiths around which could make a perfect replica which would last as long. Hell, we call it stainless steel, but if we put a time capsule below ground level, immersion in water for long enough periods rust it anyway. We can't even make proper time capsule because we are so hung up on iron that we don't try proper alloys and corrosion-test them.

In India, the legend of Brahmastra appears to be a sort of ancient nuke (shines like a second sun, poisons food and water, causes hair and nail loss, and around the time of a seven year famine, where they also mention a reduction in lifespan). Got it to work without electricity and without explosive devices (they mention a "sutra" or probably vibrations more like). How do I know that it worked? Because the area that is nearby this, it is illegal to stay overnight. Because several areas across the globe have weirdly desertified areas (sea of glass is the word, where some strange intense heat fused the aand or dirt together). Such sea of glass was found on the first nuclear test site.
And guess what? In India near Rajasthan there is not only fused minerals but there a town that has had no permanent residents for centuries. People who moved near there got sick, so they quarantined the place against overnight stay. Some people call it haunted.

What I want to impress on you guys is that evolution, like evolution of technology, can work in two directions. My grandpa noted that some plastic screws weren't as good as the old ones, they were cheap and broke easily. Today's Cracker Jack has gone from die cast toys, to plastic toys, to paper tattoos and such, to paper online links to websites for games.
Likewise , older lawnmowers cut without using power. Yes, they jam and aren't as powerful, but they also don't require oil. Electric mowers don't sputter to start and don't make the air smell like oil or the grass into a gloppy mess, but you have to drag a huge freaking cord around you and not trip on it or cut it.

We suck, okay? Most of our tech relies on too much fossil fuel, electricity, or internet, and many of the things we knew how to do without all that (musical instruments, for example) are being phased out by electronic ones. Older people understood how to cope during a power outage. Most of us become frantic when only our cellphones are dead.

Evolution only works if we don't get complacent and start thinking we are more advanced than anyone who has ever been. Roman had more of these lost technologies than anyone and our attempts to reproduce most of their stuff wound up with second-rate versions. Cement and concrete that doesn't last. They didn't "work with the materials at hand", they had a culture that doesn't prize conning people into buying cheap solutions but thinks about posterity; they worked with the formula until it was built to last.

And you know how I talked about India and Rome? They did all this without our electric technology and without using oil. We were supposed to invent hoverboards by 2015. In 2015, we couldn't keep people from eating Tide pods. Now six years later, I strongly suspect we as humans will talk ourselves in to fascist regimes. I do not think we will have our technology in 20 years, we're too busy being woke to remember the core basis of science, and letting mad scientists basically tell us voodoo nonsense that we've known for centuries isn't the right approach. You can't fight diseases the way we have the past year. You get pneumonia and die. I've that since I was six, when I was stuck in a hospital and an older lady told me bad air would give me "jamonia." I learned it again when my aunt almost died and wad put on a respirator after indoor air pollution and masks. And pneumonia isn't the only risk. The Jews shut themselves off in a walled city and developed skin conditions like leprosy. We are likely to be scratching in the dirt in twenty years because we are too fixated on climate change .

Yes, evolution is a dangerous idea. Evolution is dangerous to those without humility, who see ths past as backwards and themselves as God. Everything they have with be taken away.


Evolution is the idea that we understand our past, and remember that God brought us here. That we remember things like the Dark Ages have happened and brought civilizations to their knees. That we don't blow ourselves up, that we don't let ourselves become complacent idiots either, and we actually understand that the way forward is through moral science and discipline. In order to evolve to the next step, we must not let random people dictate our lives. Because this is what happened the last time we did that.
Evolution is moving forward. Contrary to the "conflict theory" which believes religion and science are incompatible, religion (whether Greek or Roman or Egyptian or Christian) has usually helped science move in the right path. Science under atheism? Mostly wasteful experiments like this one
or political nonsense meant to push dogma.

Science came about as a means to explain the created world. Science without religion is like a boat without a compass. Rather than leading us to evolution, it makes us sad lazy potatoes that worry about coming down with a disease that might kill us. What happened to living? Remember when people would risk their lives for causes? Now most of us are probably dying of complications from a ramen and chocolate diet. Evolution means moving forward. It is dangerous to the secret world powers who want us to move backwards. To dwell of other accomplishments, and not ask, "Why ISN'T our cement/concrete good enough to last 2000 years? Why ISN'T our metal something we can show to future generations? Why are we so busy looking at flashing boxes all day that we've forgot we have family and friends?" When we are not satisfied wuth how things are, we invent, we build, we create. We study, we learn, we grow.

I have no real job, but what I do have is a ton of creative hobbies. I write, I program games, I do art, I study something nearly every day. What about you guys? You are convinced that previous societies have nothing to offer while your own society slouches toward Jerusalem.

And you likely don't know thst the phrases "slouches toward Jerusalem" is from a Yeats poem. You probably on the surface have a uni degree but it's useless. By third grade many students today still can't read.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 02:48 am
Dude, yeah, you're the one who doesn't understand the diff btwn this
And this
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 05:43 am
stand corrected since you were talking about Rome not Greece in that case. I apologize deeply and beg penance and absolution.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 06:02 am
Pozolonic cement is class of cement that included the Roman mix. Our concretes of tody are vastly superior bcause pour knowledge of chemical engineering is alo. Look, civililization all hd little "secrets" that were unique to them, Like making of fayalite tools, and "greek Fire. But some unergard chem major could, with a bit of stuy, rpoduce Greek Fire from a trip to Byanntium and knoledge of what the stuff actully did. We know pretty much what it contained but its certainly nothing wed even bother with bcause most all of our xplosives today are BINARY (so they dont fuckin blow up bfor we use em). e rarely use powders in mine blts unless we just want to separate some eams from the mtrix rock. Gunpowder is dangerous s is Nitro. So mot all of our explosives ned two compounds to come into cntact before they can be detonated and the detonation condition are controlled.

Im orta an expert on explosives nd hen the Byzantines introduced Greek Fire, they re often their own victims in certain cases.
Chinese gunpowder could be extra dangerous and more poerful when the stuffwas milld to greater fineness. So, we let that go awy when Nobel invented Dynamite and we later invented the family that includes the TNT's c2's, RDX;s etc.
Im not impressed that weve "lost th recip or greek fire" Itd only tnd as a mueum exhibit. (UNless you think like Eric von Deniken.

Te retof your examplws are yours to well with, Im rally uninterested that eve lot a spcific metallurgy qhen weve got so mny new ones.

You are, hoever, just dodging th entire point that YOU brought up to try to impress Edgar and I.
THERE WAS NO WORLDWIE FLOOD in geologic hitory. All weve got i some pretty good vidence, YOuve got NOTHING except a Biblical tale of som dude name NOAH.
Your examples of "what about th SIlurian"? , ell, what about it? There were no people around during the Silurian priod to wnjoy a story of a flood.

WHY NOT just accept th fact that, a regional flood had occured in the pst nd this flood was mgnified via constant retelling of the story until it bcame a BIBLICAL LEGEND??

Whats wrong with that, the Jews (my original popl0 radily accept themselves as the primary author of Biblical Bullshit an the damned Chritians, NOBODY"D THINK THAT THEY WERE SO DUMB AS TO BLIV IT??

see ya
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 06:49 am
You sound surprised.

Many of the Roman’s discoveries were lost with the fall of Rome which is why the period after the fall is called the Dark Ages.

Throughout the Middle Ages we were always looking back at the glory of Rome to see how far we’d come.

Then we had the Renaissance, when we equaled Rome and after that there was no looking backwards, only forwards.

I’m not surprised that the Renaissance passed Bulmabriefs by, not even a little bit.
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 07:37 am
The difference between a scientist and their critics is, the scientist actively tries to discredit the hypothesis to see if it holds up to negative scrutiny. They try as hard as the critics to find the flaws and have to find none before they can elevate a hypothesis to a theory.
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 08:16 am
Didnt see this
Science came about as a means to explain the created world. Science without religion is like a boat without a compass

and religion ,devoid of anything that science offers i but a cult that denies the evidence of the real world

Even analyzing the chemicals in it, we don't necessarily know the proportions
Poazolani concrete had been rediscovered in the 1500's nd it was found that, although "PORTLAND cement" made by slaking lime and using the water of hydration to help cure it, yes Isnt as trong as the Roman Pozzolanic but only in a marine environment, Most construction today is really NOT geared towards a 1500 year lifetime, because planning qnd design change waay more rapidly. A second year chem engineering student could "bucket chem" a good pozzolqni mix without harking to some"legend of the lost" Our chemitry of polymers nd organic additives and even dessicants is waaay more advanced than what the Romans knew.BUT, remember, as Newton said, I can see farther becaue I stand on the shoulders of giants" meaning that we take and use things from each previous civilization
I think you read too many comic books
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 08:33 am

I have no real job, but what I do have is a ton of creative hobbies. I write, I program games, I do art, I study something nearly every day. What about you guys? You are convinced that previous societies have nothing to offer while your own society slouches toward Jerusalem.
All this means to me is that you are envious of expertise, just like the anti vaxxers who constitute most all of the sick and dying of this round of covid.

You started some Bullshit about a FLOOD and weve given you honest evidence that the story i just that, a story. Theres really no facts and evidence to support the story bsides the Bible.
Why is it you guys accept advanced degree geologists opinions whove spoken only biblical stories without the benefit of anyevidence (Like the concept of humans in the Silurian, a worldwide flood, or many other mircles> Yet, yu deny the kill and hard work of the rel scientists who, besides bringing you scads of needed resources, hve done a really good job of determining the tree of life, the age of the earth, nd when human first showed up on the plnet and where
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 08:37 am
Greek Fire on the other hand, seems to have been strongly pyrophoric
Add a strong alkaline and anything becomes pyrophoric. Think about it, MAYBE thats why w dont use GREEK FIRE on battleships or jt fighters. ???

make any sense??
Howd you like to fly a jet where your only weapons were gunpowder fireworks or nitroglycerine bombs. Id let the planes sit on the runway till a good way to prearm and fire a wepon safely was invented. K?
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Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 08:42 am

In India, the legend of Brahmastra appears to be a sort of ancient nuke
makin a nuke isnt just cookin up a mess of biscuits so if theres some evidence thats not part of those "Ancient Astronauts " shows, please try to point it out.

It took us 3 years to define nuke triggers and whatd work and how it needed to be emplaced. It also took us a lot of time to define criticality among the isotopes.
I see no evidence in any books about Indian Science that gives anything credible regrding nukes.

Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2021 04:33 pm
any indian nukes left over.??
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 10:21 am
LEADFOOT, dont you wish to prevail with all your proofs from Dr Meyer????
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 12:14 pm
He may have felt censored and left.
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 02:05 pm
You say you've got pretty good evidence, but it seems like that's some sort of bluff. Because you haven't shared thesee findings and are expecting me to give up and roll over or something.

I already showed you a link where they talked about a sudden shift in soil materials. There's also similar fossils around the world.

"...That grew and grew until it became a Biblical legend."

Because it wasn't a Biblical legend. You're acting like this is a fish story that got repeated until it was something that flooded the whole world in the Bible. No, it actually flooded the whole world. These legends are from North America to Australia to China. This is literally all four coeners of the world.

This isn't a Biblical story. It a global story. So unless you can explain that, I think you got nothing.

Now my point with the lost technology, is that we also lose history. And much of it comes from Islam who actively work as vandals of history, destroying records that predate 6000 BC. But the Hindus understand that our history is more than 6000 BC, and even human history is much more than that. There is time in all of this for a literal (or metaphorical) flood to wash away all human knowledge.


Now, this video is wild, and not intended to be taken literally either. But it describes a Void Century, if you will. A Flood that washed away our past. If we are to evolve as a species, we must remember that history didn't stop 6000 BC but rather there are some missing pages in both scientific and religious histories.

But there was also a literal flood. When an Ice Age happens, a volume of water is frozen. We have records of the ice age, and of several freeze/thaw periods. When icecaps melt, the thaw creates extra water which changes terrain.

Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 02:08 pm
No, I've been dealing with rugrats this week.

I don't spend every waking moment responding to this thread. I alsi have other threads to comment on, and other hobbies and events.
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2021 02:15 pm
I was writing about our resident contrarian, who's been here for years.

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