Is Evolution a Dangerous Idea? If so, why?

Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 08:18 pm
Trying to confuse what I said by cherry picking doesnt erase the fact that you have NO idea of what you speak in about any subject youve started on. If others wish to listen and continue, more power to em. You are a hopeless unducated violent dullard. I hope you arent thinking of killing me like all your other eacquaintances.

PS the volcano wasnt in Iceland , it was Krakatoa in 535 -536. Tree ring evidence abounds from all over the planet.

Im sure you will even deny this evidence Anus.

Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 08:33 pm
Its interesting that through all this kerfuffle with one individual over a relatively simple fact, underscores how violent some of the Bible centered believers are. Ive been threatened and spat at during the PA ed board hearings in 2000 and 2001. In those hearings, several of the Phil Johnston minions from the Liberty Secondary school were standing around the hallways and when we came in and out to testify, we (and I) was threatened with harm because we were espousing "Godlessness" (Sort of like that blonde tranny who used to be a pundit on Fox). Id been asked to leave "Open community" discussions held by the Highlands Baptist church during what they called "Scientific Creationist takes a bite out of Evolution" It was a talk given by a dentist who felt he was a spokesman for "Bible centered science". His talk was so incorrect and skewed it was really embarrassing. When I opened with several questions during the Q/A, I and my colleagues were asked to leave and were escorted out of the "Fellowship" center.

Yes its a dangerous thing evolution. It must be understood and fought for because in the US, wed had the other side during the time that evolution and even Mendelian genetics was disallowed in secondary education Called "Normal schools".
Many early 20th century doctors and biologists educators had to actually swear a religious oath to get their licenses or teaching certificates. I will not allow any place for CReation or ID in a public school , for to deny kids a complete education just because some asshole feels that they cant benefit from it, is racist, sexist, and elitist.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 08:56 pm
I noticed that when many feel challenged on their religion they become loud and abusive. They become the sort of persons they accuse us of being.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:19 pm
Ann Coulyter was the tranny I couldnt think of before. Its amazing how I can so easily forget someone who has worn out their single trick.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:29 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
Let's just say that my version is more...shall we say...uh.. sane...?
You say we agree and you get thumbs up. I say we agree and I get thumbs down. Why dont you admit they are arse licking sycophants and it should embarrass you if you had any idea of its true worth.

Why is it you think you understand Philosophy ?

I don't know...

It's our democracy...you also count.
Thank you. We agree on something again.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:33 pm
@Jason Proudmoore,
No, not really...that is very simple.

If it is so simple, why don't you try to at least explain it?...even this is a straw man....
They taught you to use the catch cry straw man ? WOW ! No further explantion needed. Just cry straw man and everyone agrees with such an assertion. I have explained it as simply as I can. It is difficult to explain it using nothing but one sylable words.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:44 pm
You are a hopeless unducated violent dullard.
Oh I am defintely violent. And good at it. But I am not uneducated. Though I havent been taught to recognise a rock like Gomer or make the claim that my qualifications would take a week to list like Gayson, I do have a serious amount of formal qualifications. I am sure you will understand if I dont list them, I believe in privacy on the net. Dullard - n - a dull or stupid person..that is your opinion and you aew welcome to it. Hopeless - sometimes I am without hope but things improve and I feel hopeful.

PS the volcano wasnt in Iceland , it was Krakatoa in 535 -536. Tree ring evidence abounds from all over the planet.
Didnt you make the claim to be a geologist and you think tree rings prove which volcano it was ?

Im sure you will even deny this evidence Anus.
Not at all Gomer, not at all. You have assumed you knew which volcanic eruption I was talking about. If you say I meant that one, that is good enough for me.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:47 pm
Ive been threatened and spat at during the PA ed board hearings in 2000 and 2001. In those hearings, several of the Phil Johnston minions from the Liberty Secondary school were standing around the hallways and when we came in and out to testify, we (and I) was threatened with harm because we were espousing "Godlessness" (Sort of like that blonde tranny who used to be a pundit on Fox). Id been asked to leave "Open community" discussions held by the Highlands Baptist church during what they called "Scientific Creationist takes a bite out of Evolution"
I am sorry to hear you were harshly delt with by fundamental morons.

I will not allow any place for CReation or ID in a public school , for to deny kids a complete education just because some asshole feels that they cant benefit from it, is racist, sexist, and elitist.
We agree.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 09:48 pm
I noticed that when many feel challenged on their religion they become loud and abusive. They become the sort of persons they accuse us of being.
Thats not a bad summary of fundamentalists and I think it has a good kernal of truth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 10:33 pm
Didnt you make the claim to be a geologist and you think tree rings prove which volcano it was ?

Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 10:51 pm
farmerman wrote:

Didnt you make the claim to be a geologist and you think tree rings prove which volcano it was ?

Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 11:07 pm
Tree rings , even tropical trees , show growth rings that can be compared by indexing events and "lag times" of events such as wordlwide sun light decrease or weather disruption due to cataclysmic events. The kag times from measuring tree ring width reductions , can be patterned just like a series of bar codes on a soda can. THEN, on top of that, we have ion probe technology(SHRIMP) and GCMS tech to subsample the actual rings using laser ablation . Here we can sample for miniscule changes in uptake of such things as soluble volcano indicators like sulfur salts,and hydroxy-silicates such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. The uptake and higher concentrations of these can be compared intra and interring and interspecies so that uptakes of , say, iron silicates within the tree rings (as done by some mechanism of transpiration) provides evidence of what area was closest to a tholeitic or basaltic volcano. Also, we have zircon data from krakatoa itself that dumps huge startigraphic piles of ejecta , the dating of which is a piece of cake using SHRIMP. PS, SHRIMP IS a technique that id's and utilizes ion orbital spin energy as predicted by Quantum THEORY. The prediction provides the data which validates the prediction. Circular buit it works, unless our world has recemtly turned upside down.

I dont wanna bore you but dendrochronology is a very popular sub- discipline claimed by geography, geology, botany, and organic analytical chemistry
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 11:23 pm
Would you agree tree rings are not the best method for absolute dating of a volcano but are a good method for relative dating ? And like any wedding, you put enough relatives in the hall and you have a complete chronology. But there are better methods for identifying and for absolute dating of an eruption. That was my point. And you also assumed I meant Krakatoa, whereas I dont think it is that clear which eruption produced the term the Dark Ages. I am of the opinion it was the closer and lesser eruption in Iceland.
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:21 am
Tree rings are a date specific tool and , in this case, the trick ws used to actually look at environmental epicenters of the vulcanism. If we were comparing an eruption to the calendar, isotope chrono date from zircon ages, is only one tool. We like to load up on data to make sure that we have surrounded the event with stuff from many places and techniques . Tree rings are the best thing to look at environmental chemistry from a speciifc time and they are also able to discern that some event had an effect ferom wprdlwide POVs.When tree ring data is available we always take it.(The biggest problem is actually finding wood laying around that overlaps the other ring index samples, and many tropical trees have an entirly different growth ring pattern than "winter and summer"
To selectively only look at only one piece of the puzzle nd state that another tchnique is only of minimal value is kind of Creationist. When one does these field studies one has to be ready to be proven wrong at any time and with any other data package. Im sure they used isotope dating of the zircons to show an absolute age of the ash deposits, flourine dating for relative aging. They obviously did stratigraphy and tektite mapping to show the occurence of strewn fields. They compared relative geomagnetics for relative age and true north of sediment piles , and finally tree rings o show the age of the regional occurence and best show the "epicenter" of the event.

The more data you have, the more chance that you will be wrong . In this case, the 535 dates and the ages supplied by tree rings compares nicely with the other techniques.

Trees are the best environmental sentinels we can hope for(if we can find some actual wood of that age). If a tree is negatively affected by some cataclysm or environmental toxin, the rings become surpressed for several years (or the tree dies). And the microprobe allows us to see whats actually in the rings.
Its a mature applied science and there are many practitioners of dendrochronology and environmetal dendrology in the US. Theres actually a number of schools (like the Univ of Arizona "tree ring school") that teach these tricks as part of geography por geology

pr botany programs.

It was reported that the "DArk Ages" was kicked off by the 535 eruption since no eruption in Iceland was even noted. All the workds biggest environmental calamities due to subtended ash in the atmosphere have been the result of Tambora, Toba, Krakatoa , Thera and Chimbaratzo. All these are in the southern hemisophere or in the cae pf Thera. in the Med..

Usually the mid ocean tholeitic volcanoes like Iceland eruptions are not explosive and after an initial puff, they settle down to produce flood basalts and tholeitic lavas which are more like warm honey than
0 Replies
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:25 am
No, Gayson, it makes you a bigot when you refuse to read anything that disagrees with your opinion.

There is no hate, no discrimination to you from me, Ionus...but I'm able to see those two attributes coming from you, though...not reading something that is known to be nonsensical garbage does not constitute as being a bigot...

Catch up...the definition of a Bigot has been posted several times and you always maintain you have read it.

Your definition of "bigot", I presume.

Perhaps I should ask have you understood it ?

Yup! I can't see why you ask that question...but it might be one of those psychotic episodes you tend to have whenever you're pinned against the wall...

Would this be the result of your education that would take a week to list all your qualifications ?

At this pace, it will take a month.

And you cant understand why your narcistic homosexual avatar has anything to do with it...

Not at all...could you explain it...this does seem to be irrelevant.
whilst I, according to you, have no education.

And you have hit the nail in the damn head again.

You must be very short indeed.

very short...I told you...4'11''...

A Theory by definition can be proven wrong when more facts are known.

So what? If the theory can be proven wrong, it was a failed theory to begin with...

It was in the definition of Theory that I quoted several times...

The definition of the word "theory" you provided was the colloquial definition of a "guess"...


you know the definition that a Bigot would not read.

I think you would read it... wouldn't you? Twisted Evil

Read it again...slowly...dont get distracted by a mirror :

I remember that last time I lent you my mirror so you would be able to see your true self:
Evolution does happen, and you just proved it.

"And some day theories become a fact in themselves.

So, according to you, this theory will become a fact "in themselves" some day?:
You are a joke!!!

Some theories are more accurate then others, some have more facts in them, so to label a theory as fact because you worship science is stupid beyond belief.

But "more accurate" doesn't mean that the theory is not factual...did you know that Albert Einstein's (Zeus blesses his soul) theory of relativity is more accurate that the Theory of Gravity...and they're both theories...

According to you, it is impossible for a theory to be a fact because it is composed of facts KNOWN AT THE TIME. So nothing has ever progressed passed a theory."

Am I also considered a bigot if I find this collection of letters to be crap?
If we follow your logic, nothing in this physical world can be considered factual...since we have to resort to absolutism.


Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:32 am
@Jason Proudmoore,
I would not like to get into a pissin contest with JAson, he seems to have an unending supply of spot-on funny graphics. One picture worth thousand words ANus, you should quit before this gets even funnier at your expense.
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:41 am

Is Evolution a Dangerous Idea? If so, why? What's all this lot got to do with those questions? It's worse than off topic. It's in the wrong direction. It's looking back and the questions look forward.

No idea can be considered dangerous, or beneficial, if the future consequences of it are of no importance.

The notion that the Dark Ages label has anything to do with sunlight or volcanic eruptions is as bad as covering the piano legs with curtains. It's pretending that the term has nothing to do with sex and gallantry and depravity whilst the Mongol hordes beat the gates down with no opposition.

Mr Obama is going around saying nuclear weapons are a dangerous idea. You might as well discuss that with self-flattering spiels about chain reactions or uranium ore mining. Letting fm anywhere near education is a dangerous idea imo. He just want to strut.

Is cloning a dangerous idea is a question that has nothing to do with the techniques of cloning and everything to do with consequences. It's the same with aspects of stem-cell research and subliminal advertising. The legalisation of divorce, of abortion, of birth control were all debated in the context of the potential consequences. As with bank bail-outs. As with who is elected.

Consequences are the only game in town. We can have brain implants in the new-born. We can have chemicals in the water supply. We can have all sorts of stuff. We choose what to have solely on the basis of consequences.

Is the unhindered hegemony of science a dangerous idea? What is there to prevent it if it isn't morality? Is morality natural? Or is it artificial? Does evolution theory undermine morality? It certainly seems to undermine intelligence if this thread is anything to go by.

The question is about whether religion is an instrument of social good? Is it useful in improving and ennobling the basic human nature? And if it is allowed that it is useful in these utilities, assuming they are utilities which a strict free marketeer might dispute, is it necessary for a supernatural agency to be called for to facilitate them.

It is possible to lose a conviction in the beliefs and yet to recognise that they might be useful or even indispensible. To do so requires that the disbelief is kept private and that the social conveniences of religious belief are worth the sublimating of the vanity of the disbelief. fm's vanity, and that of his claque, is such that this is seemingly impossible. They must be right even if they wreck the social system. Them being right is much more important than any itsy-bitsy social system. And that despite long years of Roman Emperors giving devout lip service to any and every religion they came across in their travels. Indeed, there was but one blasphemy to Roman elites and it was the showing of disrespect to anybody's religion.

But these guys are more important than Roman Emperors and Govenors.

All this is why discussions of these matters is characterised by obliqueness, shiftiness, evasiveness and blizzards of snow, (see above). Such ridiculous and disagreeable tactics in the better sort of disputants is due to an uncertainty in their minds whether it may not be the case that in the sphere of religion disclosure of the raw scientific truth might inflict damage on human nature as we have it in the west and on organised society.

The outcome of various revolutions in 1789, 1871 and 1917 has given many "freethinkers" (that's a laugh) pause for thought as to the proposition that "truth" (another belly laugh) is coincident with social welfare or that superstition might not have considerable utility in maintaining social stability.

There is a chicken and egg situation here. Is morality natural and the cause of religion or is it artificial and caused by religion? It is impoosible from a look at Darwin's Origins and from reading history to conclude that morality is natural. Hence, if religion causes morality can its supernatural sanctions now be dispensed with if the religiously caused morality is so entrenched as to be unassailable and can be maintained by secular authority, early education and public opinion?

If the answer to that question is in the affirmative then evolution is not a dangerous idea but if the answer is in the negative then evolution is a dangerous idea.

I firmly believe the answer is in the negative and therefore I think evolution is a dangerous idea. I think it will cause increasingly repressive secular authorities to control early education and public opinion, expand, and become corrupt in the exercise of unchallenged power and collapse of internal contradictions.

All other considerations are for non-entities and wimps who run away from discussing consequences faster than a chicken does when a blown up paper-bag is banged in its earhole. No matter how much they primp and posture their egos with snow machines.
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:50 am
I thought if it would take you a week to list all your qualifications you might have studied somewhere what it takes to PROVE something, rather than calculate what it would be if the THEORY was correct.

I told you that it may take me a month or more...since your understanding of the matter seems to be a weird phenomenon.

As you raise this point to counter that the ancient sea peoples knew the earth was curved, I take it you are saying the Bible was written by Sea Peoples ?

the idea that the ancient sailors knew that the Earth was round is not even relevant to the argument about whether the catholic church enforced the belief of a flat earth even when it was shown to be otherwise...get it?

That the desert they dwelt in was not flat ?

So what?

Well, try to understand .....

The difference is one group is composed of ships and the other is composed of people


Ships were made of wood and people were made of flesh.

I thought ships were made of wood and people were made of mud, according to the belief that you so ardently defend.

Is this helping at all ?

It helps my humor.

Certainly :

M. Monier-Williams' Sanskrit dictionary. It relates sphur to English spur, spurn, and a Greek spairoo (i.e. not sph-). Some sphar meanings are 'expand, open', which perhaps could be regarded as "akin" to a sphere...
The root of the word, however, as given by Dr. Kenealy, is the Hebrew sphr, and means " a book," because the concavity of the heavens was called by the Hebrews a scroll or book. Their word for book is sepher, or sphere, and anciently there was a library at Debir "Kirjath-Sepher, or city of books (Judges i, n ; Isaiah xxxiv, 4). The Hebrew root SPR can be traced back to Akkadian, where it means something written.
round (adj., adv.)
late 13c., from Anglo-Fr. rounde, O.Fr. roont, probably originally *redond, from V.L. *retundus (cf. Prov. redon, Sp. redondo, O.It. ritondo), from L. rotundus "like a wheel, circular, round," related to rota "wheel" (see rotary).
<br /> http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?l=r&amp;p=20

What are you doing? Does the Bible say that the world is spherical using the same definition in Hebrew...no, right? So, why are you giving me these definitions then?

Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 05:58 am
No, it doesnt.It means he is above the interactions of earth.

Where did you take literature?

Did you see The Lion King ?

huh? Hello, anybody home?
That had a circle in it.

Did you get confused and imagine a real circle of life ? 'Like when you and your friends get together and form a daisy chain ? Its people are like grasshoppers because grasshoppers are not very significant by comparison with people. Or do you think we were grasshoppers then but we evolved ?

What the hell did you just mean here? If you want to say something, say it...stop with the nonsense.

I am beginning to think that I won't be able to help you understand anything...however, these might help:

You see just repeating a quote provided by others doesnt mean much...you are supposed to comment on it.

Yes, opinion of other rational people...sources, a concept that you don't know about.

Who drew that diagram ? Was it God ? Or man ? Sorry, or Womankind ?

It was the Lion King...
Jason Proudmoore
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 06:02 am
OMG ! We have agreed ! Will they thumb me up, all those arse-licking sycophants ?

But it's your contradictory ideas that make the rationals of A2K to take away points from your "thumbs"...

If you are looking to bash a fundamentalist Christian, you havent found one . Keep looking.

But you are a fundamentalist Christian with an identity crisis. My search has ended!

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