Quote: Never heard of scientific attempts to disprove the supernatural ? Quite an education you have there, BUCKO.
I recall that harry Houdini engaged in a career of debunking supernatural phenomena and Kresgin offered rewards. I dont recall ANY real scientific efforts to disprove the existence of a GOD, where would you start?. On the contrary, "SCientific Creationism" (an oxymoron in itself) has been diligent intryi ng to generate data that agrees with the Christian Bible and have been totally unable to bring up any good examples of evidence. The IDers also have been trying (with funded research) to prove that the Universe is loaded with footprints of an Intelligent Designer. SO far all these efforts have been in vain and, I think, that the IDers have closed down their "Search for Intelligence"(at least their website doesnt show anything newer than 2005). I believe that the IDers big push has been thwarted by the Dover Pa case and they are busy regrouping and using their efforts to make sure that their position is well represented on school boards, where the obvious "danger" of an illiterate electorate is counted on by the likes of the great state of Texas, Louisiana, Kansas, and a few others .
Our recent history is a Brunswick Stew of true believers trying to undermine the science curricula of the public school systems of our nation)not , as aonus tries to assert that science is in a cabal to disprove god). This infiltration of our curricula with pixie-tales is the biggest , most recent example of the danger that seems to elude the mind of Aonus.
<Methodological naturalism and materialism is a foundation of the sciences and at present, the CReationists and IDers are busy trying to undermine this presumption by substiruting the doctrine of voodoo science, where it is imperative that all science begins with the phrase "let there be light"
If we cant evidence it, or we have no way of making predictions using the voodoo base , science just lets it lie there like phlogsyton, philosophers stones, krakons, and "vis plastica". (all of these had a basis in scripture also)
Im an atheist because, like set said, it means without religion. Also I can be agnoistic (2 different things) because I dont know whether a god exists or not and just dont give a rats ass. I choose my paths based upon what can be supported with evidence and (so far) no evidence has been raised to convince me that a god exists. The CReationists have tried mostly to make their argument by trying to find chinks in science AND theyve been ridiculously involved in efforts to "prove" that certain events in the Bibkle occured the way the Bible stated, Like The "Flood" (No evidence exists anywhere for a Universal flood, while there are examples of smaller regional floods at the close of the last Glaciation. Science concludes, by several lines of evidence that one local flood was the basis for the entire Biblical legend which is mostly legend, hyperbole, and metaphor.
Yet, Creation "scientists" had been busy actually trying to twist good geological science to convince the rubes that they have found an ark on Mt Ararat.
There is much danger in all of this because we have to take time to debunk it and, in the process, good science gets trashed because the voodoo guys are really good at obfuscation and lying. They dont have any evidence in their quivers, they only have ACTS of showmanship.
In PA, 4 years before Dover, the state adopted a comprehensive science curriculum base that was hashed out during several sessions of the legislatures comittee work. In the gestation period were all kinds of voodoo purveyors who spent real time in hearings trying to convince some committeeman from Ebensburg that these "atheistic, scientists were subverting the Inerrant Gospel". Ultimately the legislature wisely ignored the hairburning preahers and adopted a policy that leaned heavily upon the scientific method as the arbiter of what is teachable as science and any attempts at more voodooistic curricula would be met with diciplenary actions. This held firm for all of 6 months when the first bullshit storm occured at Dover and it wasnt until after the trial that the entire program got officially signed by the governor.
SO much wasted time, so much chasing pixies, and so much fraud in support of religion that, for most of us in the sciences here in PA, we wonder where the next "whackamole" of Creationsist and ID thought is gonna spring up to interfere with good education.