That puzzles me. Starve Spain after WWII? What about the Americans who fought in the Spanish Civil War during the 30s? Sexual hangups? What sexual hangups? The issue was that Eva Peron visited Spain was labeled pro-Fascist because of that visit. Everyone hated Franco. . . even the apolitical.
Now, to answer your question as to whether I admire the Perons. First, the left is not an unified, united and conglomerate thing. I tried to explain that several times in this thread. Heavens! For several years, I spoke with two people on a daily basis who both claimed to be on the left and who disagreed with each other . . . however, they never knew that they disagreed. I simply listened to them and never reported one conversation to the other person. Even in America, members of the left differ in their interpretations of events, etc.
Second, there are very few people that I admire. Most people are pretty flawed and while I admire one aspect of several people, there are few that I can honestly say I admire. I admire Pete Seeger for practicing what he preaches. I admire Elizabeth Warren for close to the same reason and for being the voice crying in the desert. I suppose I could come up with a short list of 10 or so people I admire but it would take time. I'd rather do other things!
Besides, I am not Argentine and I do not speak Spanish. I do not know or understand their culture. How could I admire people so distant from me?