plainoldme wrote:David,
Why is it fine for you to insult the left constantly
and it is never alright for the left to say to you that you are
wrong when you very, very wrong?
I hope that u will accept my congratulations on a good post,
devoid of personal insolence and addressing the general topic.
My response: It is fine for u to insult the right in your posts,
but in conversation with another member it is not acceptable
to go off topic evaluating him personally or hurling insults.
(For instance telling a member that he reminds u of a demented bum
from a lunch counter who died, or saying that I am in a nursing home.
[Tho I am not, it is none of your business if I were.]
That is
OFF TOPIC qua carrying a gun in Starbucks.)
If u do so, then u degrade intellectual discourse to the level of a food fight.
I am unwilling to participate in that.
That can be avoided by
focusing on the topic rather than on the member to whom u r addressing yourself.
Quote:Are you aware of how many people think the SC is out to lunch?
No. I have not taken a survey. Regardless of that,
we have inherited rights from the deal (the social contract)
made by the Founders, the US Constitution which is the supreme law of the land.
Opinions about lunch have no effect on those inherited rights.
plainoldme wrote:That the most recent decision magnifying the personhood
of corporations has riled both the left and the right?
I am not aware of any significant riling on the right.
I was riled, and outraged in the extreme by the earlier 2003 decision
that raped the First Amendment 4 different ways in upholding McCain's law.
Now the First Amendment has gotten unraped, by the
plainoldme wrote:Why does the right claim any moral high ground when there
has never been any significant social change or positive legislation authored by the right?
The reasons for that r as follows:
Being on the right means being conservative relative to the social contract, the US Constitution;
i.e., conservative = orthodox, rigidly non-deviant from the terms of the deal, non-cheating.
Deviating from those constitutional terms is
not OK.
Liberalism is deviating from those terms. It is cheating.
Conservative means keeping rigidly unbending in the enforcement of a rule,
or law, or agreement or some paradigm; accordingly, conservatives conserve
that rule or agreement or paradigm (e.g., a common style of dress).
Liberal means deviating from some rule, or law,
or agreement or some paradigm, and not taking it too seriously.
For instance,
if men are playing poker n one rakes in the pot
alleging that he has a flush, when he has 4 clubs and a spade,
and when challenged on this behavior, he declares
the liberal motto: " hay, that 's
CLOSE ENUF; don 't be
too technical; don 't split hairs; just don t be a ball buster, OK ?
I had a fight with my cousin, yesterday I got a flat tire,
I belong to a minority group and my left foot stinks, so gimme a break n deal the cards."
Hence, he advocates the position that
logic shoud be SUBORDINATED to emotion
and that thay shoud take a
of the rules of poker because
his sob story OUTRANKS
the technical rules requiring 5 cards of 1 suit for a flush.
"Conservative" means
"Conservative" means non-deviant.
"Liberal" means deviant.
Without having deviated from something no one can be liberal
because the essence of liberalism is turning away from something.
For instance, if u attend a formal banquet in a black tuxedo
red sneakers, u deviate from the paradigm of formal dress,
thereby taking a liberal vu thereof. If u attend it in your underwear,
then u take a
MORE LIBERAL interpretation of that paradigm.
If u attend it naked, then u apply a
radical interpretation
( "from the root" ) of that paradigm.
Whether liberalism is good or bad
depends upon
WHAT the liberal is veering away from.
Like when Boris Yeltsin veered away from communism, that was a
GOOD thing.
Liberalism includes
ANY kind of deviation,
in any direction of 360 degrees of arc + up n down.
There is no logical semantic constriction on liberalism
that it can only exist in the direction of collectivist-authoritarianism a/k/a socialism.
Deviation can be in the opposite direction or in any direction.
We conservatives have "moral high ground" because, by definition,
we adhere rigidly to the terms of the deal with no deviation;
i.e., we play it straight like an accountant who is 100% accurate.
If a conservative starts to deviate, the he is
no longer non-deviant
and he thereby becomes an
ex-conservative and a new liberal, to the extent of his deviation.
Your question implies an assumption that there is supposed to be "social change".
I don 't find that in the Constitution, tho it is not prohibited either.
As a conservative American, I do not see any reason for social change
that I can think of at the moment, except social change in attitudes
returning to those of older America when people commonly carried weapons openly,
without attracting any particular attention.
I will not address what u said about "positive legislation" unless u define it more precisely.
plainoldme wrote:Isn't the abolition of slavery moral?
That depends on the circumstances.
Breaking open the prisons and setting them free is not moral,
but liberating the slaves of the commies and the nazis was moral.
Accepting a Cuban refugee whose raft makes it to Miami is moral.
plainoldme wrote:Isn't the enfranchisement of women moral?
The enfranchisement of women is moral; children also, any citizen
who is held to comply with the law has a moral right to vote.
plainoldme wrote:What is moral about pollution?
Sometimes a polluter is within his rights to do so,
e.g., while driving thru rural farm country, I 've seen a lot of trash,
rusted old farm equipment & kitchen appliances scattered around
on their property, visible from the road. Its ugly, but its the owner's decision
qua how he will run his property, the same as whether a lawyer keeps a cluttered desk,
or whether an artist can draw ugly pictures. Freedom is moral.
plainoldme wrote:What is moral about going about armed?
The ability to defend your life from the predatory violence of man or beast is moral,
and every predator that is dispatched is a bonus for the rest of us
who r no longer exposed to danger from him.
The dispatcher is morally entitled to a tax credit for services rendered.
I enjoyed your post, Plain. Thank u for it.
Do u feel like revealing your first name? Mine is David.
It feels awkward calling u "Plain".