Thanks Phoenix, Diane and others - yes, in a way I have done all I can. It's interesting that in earlier times I would probably have sought advice from an authority figure of some kind who would tell me what I should do, a priest, usually - someone who would take the mantle of guilt away, even if they gave onerous duties to perform. At least then I would be assured that my soul was progressing satisfactorily. No such comfort blanket nowadays.
My case is more complicated because my husband fell in love with another woman 2 yrs ago and half of his regret is that he let her go. This presumably absolves me from all sorts of guilt, even in the eyes of a priest! But life is always more complicated than the bare facts...
Anyway, thank you for telling me what all my friends are telling me. It is the Zeitgeist - do what is right for you and your own personal conscience.
I shall join a happier topic later; hope to see you all there!