no no no...
this isn't about her Mom (that was a just the catalyst to this behaviour)
this is about a woman whom you are in a relationship who physically hurt you
in my opinion, no matter what happened outside of your home to cause this arguement, your behaviour might have warranted a telling off or a major full on row with your partner... (that's for you to examine and get under control)
but it does not EVER warrant physical violence from another person - especially a loving partner
My understanding reading your original post is about the 'holding you down and hitting you, causing you pain, you shouting "no", crying and wishing it to stop.'
The Mom didn't do that, your partner did.
If this was to teach you a lesson and that you should behave like a good girl in your relationship, or she is an adult treating you like a kid and spanking you at 20 years old....
well, I don't think that's correct.
People get angry all the time, people have appalling and atrocious behaviour, often within families and where there are major conflicts - it doesn't or should not warrant being hit.
Quote:thats why i think i should clarify to her that her mom made a big mess , am just afraid of her reaction and i dont mean physically.
if you mean here you are also afraid that if you broach this subject of her Mom, who is obviously a part of a your partners life, and you are scared the relationship will end over it...
well, again, just in my opinion, I would imagine that you are not in a good relationship where fear is dictating your every turn. Fear of being physically hurt and fear of the relationship ending.
You... anyone...deserves to have a better life than that.