Quote:I am shocked that so many Christians think that non-Christians have no genuine lovingkindness or internal moral code- and that seemingly this moderator (and how many other Christians?) live decent lives fueled by no other emotion than fear of retribution from an angry god.
This shocks me too. That sort of mentality is the root of the persecution of 'otherness'. It kind of explains why we've had so many 'my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend' wars.
But I wonder if in fact it's the religion at fault or the types of people attracted to it? I ponder that. It seemed to me at one point that many reformed alcoholics and drug abusers that I crossed paths with were attracted to 'revivalist' churches. And Buddhism is attractive to certain kinds of westerners. And remember Hare Krishna's? Orange people? Moonies?
“It's a Buddhist meditation technique. The monks used it before going into battle.”
I think Jesusbunnyhead is the earthly manisfestation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - now trying to find a third for a 'trinity'.