Lash wrote:
I think the pre-emptive dislike from non-believers stems from the fact that the Christian fully believes the non-believer is going to hell and they're ok with that. Give them half a chance and they'll TELL you you are.
My experience has been the opposite, Lash, unless I'm misreading your intent on who is ok with the nonbeliever going to hell. My experience with Christians (Hell is a Christian manifestation) is that they not only care that the nonbeliever is going to Hell, they care to the point of having to save him from himself and force their salvation on him.
Edgar's experience with the woman in the appt complex reminded me of an interaction I had with an acquaintance at the health club. We'd worked out side by side every Saturday for years but never spoke much other than about the football games on TV or other inane stuff. One day he came in and asked if he could change the channel. Everyone said sure and we were all then watching Fox news. I jokingly said, "Oh, you're the one who keeps tuning the TV to Fox!!!"
The conversation went on from there and we had a very pleasant (tolerant?) discussion about fundamentalism and how I believe that Christian fundamentalists are the most dangerous people on the planet. He was intrigued and, as a Christian fundamentalist, wanted to know why I felt that way. I gave him my reasons and he was fascinated because he said he is so sure in his faith that he feels
obligated to live his life to ensure that all of mankind gets saved -- or as much of it as his can influence through politics during his lifetime.
This was an educated, professional, well-meaning member of my community who believes in his heart of hearts that nonbelievers are going to Hell and he must dedicate his life to save as many of us as possible. That means putting God in charge of Washington, our states, communities, schools and homes first. The rest of the world comes next.
He did nothing to dissuade me from my position that fundamentalist Christians are the most dangerous people on the planet.