Quote:How so? I'm certainly not an atheist; and, believe me, I'm not being disrespectful to you. But isn't setanta just stating historical facts? Hasn't religious persecution been a constant of human history? How is he spouting disengenuous drivel? Please enlighten me. Again, I'm not being disrespectful to you. I just don't get it, is all.
You might start with Wikipedia's entry on Charlemange, following up the links and other pointers. Then you might read a few books about the man.
When you have done that you will see how utterly ridiculous the superficial remarks Setanta made actually are and the service in which they are employed which is, of course, to prove that there is no God and that Christianity is mentally deranged which facts he discovered as an infant when a nun whacked his arse if, indeed, a nun actually did whack his arse and he wasn't making it up to further highlight the brutality of those of a religious persausion or, possibly, for other reasons of a more personal nature.
We have no scientific evidence that anything Setanta said actually occurred. We can only assume he read it someplace which could just as easily have been propaganda as the truth and, in view of the amazing inconvenience and inefficiency of having to find a snake, a funnel and a blow lamp to change somebody's mind when much simpler methods were quite well known, such as red hot pokers, which were readily available in all domestic quarters at no extra trouble and expense, one might easily lean to the notion that truth is the least likely. The image chosen is for the very purpose of horrifying the feminine sensibility which is very well known regarding snakes and other wriggling, fleshly conduits of greater or lesser malleability.
It was fairly well known that the enemies of Rome had every intention of putting out the Pope's eyes with smouldering faggots and ripping out his tongue with white hot pincers. Those were the ways of the world in those days regarding people who caused displeasure to the powerful and they still exist today in those unfortunate societies which eschew the Christian mission.
Religious persecution was based on practical matters of policy. Circumcision, diet, marital arrangements, property rights, descent, authority and all heresies were threatening to somebody or other. Setanta does a great disservice to history by his use, for his own reasons, of selection and caricature. The days, weeks, months and years passed at the same rate in those days as they do now. He chose an incident he had read about in a source he had selected, which is unlikely to have occurred for the reason I gave, and puffed it up out of all proportion in order to try to prove that abortion, adultery, divorce and other related matters are perfectly permissible and respectable.
It is entirely up to you whether Setanta just stated historical facts. My reading of his posts on these matters has lead me to the conclusion that he has no historical or scientific expertise, and risking a tautology for emphasis, I will add a whatsoever.
He relies for his credibilty on that well known weakness people have for believing anything they see in print.