First, Jesus (if the dude ever actually existed) was not preaching a modern Judaism, he was preaching strict adherence to the law, with no interpretation--he was a conserative, and very likely an Essene. That's why he (allegedly) lambasted the Pharisees. Look up the Pharisees sometime, they weren't a club of arrogant, wealthy men who hung out at the Temple, howling for the blood of anyone who differed with them, which is the BS story, essentially, in the gospels.
Second, atheists are not the equivalent, but polar opposite "sect" to christianity. If you want to make such a comparison, you'd need to compare atheists as the equivalent, but polar opposite of all religious creeds for all time. You can no more compare Hitchens and Dawkins, a couple of self-important flakes, to Jesus than you can compare Washington only to people who have held the title of President--when he held the office, he was the only one in the world, but he was not the only head of state in the world.
Your analogy fails miserably, and atheists are not obliged to "own" jerks like Hitchens and Dawkins. I do very well with my lack of belief without subscribing to their nonsense, thank you very much.