I am sitting with my mouth wide open as I read your post. Absolutely, a pathetic case of a minister changing the house of God into a political arena. I say this, not as an atheist, but as a believer. I can tell you that such a minister would certainly be taken to task in our church for such abhorent behaviour.
The church should certainly not be involved in politics nor judging people in general. They should be serving the spiritual needs of their congregation.
The only politics, in my opinion, that should come into a church are for the minister to pray that the government does the right thing for the country. Period.
I don't know if that type of thing is restricted to the U.S., or if I am used to being in a church that cares only for the souls in the congregations. I cannot imagine sitting through such a service here in Canada.
It is stories like these that further justify the reasons for being against religion. I also believe that a gentle offer of religious talk is acceptable, but certainly nothing more. People should not be made to feel uncomfortable about something in which they do not believe. Discussion should not extend beyond that. Discussion.
I choose my friends on how they are as people. Not on their religious beliefs.