Take "good" out of algorithms as if there were free will on which algorithms are running around.
The best algorithm is always the fastest one to complete a task such that it's more energy-efficient.
Being "bad" is just being inefficient, either for yourself society or nature at large. And even then you get a Darwin award and get put out of the equation sooner rather than later. That is your punishment and your burden since you didn't have any free will in choosing to be born with what you got.
The immediate question you should ask me now is why then there are worse algorithms running around. What is the purpose of less efficient algorithms still persisting?
Well, bottom line Reality as a narrative wouldn't be much interesting if every step of the way was made the most efficient one regarding the final Universal or Multiversal Wave function. Less efficient people or less efficient species have the burden of making others enjoy the "winning game". They are Martyrs...so you see, it is a narrative, Nature that is.
A perfectly balanced universe would be empty and made of perfectly evenly distributed energy, very boring. Heaven your heaven, peoples heaven and paradise is just another monkey narrative and a very dumb one. Not having needs, no thirst, no hunger, no need to work to sustain yourself, no quarrels no enemies, therefore, no need for friends and allies...its a joke on Humanity creativity for storytelling....what would be of "God" left alone without something to play the "Devil'"s part? What would be of "God" without natural disasters, suffering, disease to make every minute of your limited life timespan be enjoyed every second it goes right?
The perfectness of the Universe is being imperfect and you being mortal and subject to all kinds of dangers amid some good stuff too.
How can religious people not grasp this simple concept?
Worse how can some atheists, even scientists still be looking for some sort of technological Paradise...sheeesh even the ones who point the finger at religion come up with the same wishings and wants...let's invent eternal life and download ourselves into as many computers as the galaxy can handle...
...I just facepalm all day wherever I turn into...squabling monkeys everywhere and I am tired of it all!