Quote:Hingehead posted:

Look at it another way mate, Jesus wants MATES, that's all..
"You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends" (John 15:15)
And he said to his pals at the last supper-
"In my fathers kingdom are many mansions,I'm going on ahead to get them ready for you, then i'll be back to take you there with me" (John 14:2-6)
"I tell you, I will not drink wine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matt 26:29)
So if atheists don't want to join the party, they condemn THEMSELVES to hell and darkness don't they?
As I've said before, it's fine for atheists to attack organised religion and cults, I do it myself all the time, but some of them make the mistake of attacking Jesus too, which is a definite no-no!
If atheists simply LIKE Jesus, they've got a chance of getting to that big party in the sky, they don't have to go to church or get baptised or any of that stuff!
I mean, he's a likeable guy so who the hell wouldn't want to be his mate?..
Jesus to the snooty priests-
"You're full of krap!" (Matt 23:27)
Jesus rescues a woman from fundies-
Another run-in with the snoots, this time because they want him to stop hanging with beggars and prostitutes, so he tells them-
"The prostitutes will get to heaven ahead of you!" (Matt 21:31)
So eventually the snoots got the Romans to kill him, but he left this reminder for us all-