Quote:As I implied, the entire purpose of his new book is to explain exactly how it evolution works, step by step in very simple language and he demonstrates very clearly the fact of evolution. It's pretty simple really.
We all know it's simple Eorl. That's its attraction. Something simple allowing people to pose as scientific is like feeding syrup to people who can't get fat. It's very popular with simple people who like simple explanations presented in a way that simpletons can understand and be led to believe, on fresco's cognitive sematic fields of Wittgensteinian semantic fields of subjective cognition, that they are smarter than everybody else.
We all know that one doesn't mate a Derby wimnner with a Shetland pony with the objective of producing a wonder horse. We have known a simple thing like that ever since we left simpletonianism behind a few thousand years ago because it was a dead loss.
The only problem is that organising millions in a cohesive unit is not simple and even less so in advanced technological societies.
One climbs stairs step by step. It really is very simple and explaining it is simple too but it can be fancied up I'll admit.
The entire purpose of every word Dawkins ever wrote or spouted was to make money and get attention by catering to a small minority of simpletons.
And to justify serial monogamy but not going as far as Huxley did for fear of upsetting anybody too much.
Quote:Sadly, there are still people who refuse to read the book who are finding said book difficult to understand.
I tried reading one of his books but the prose was so dire, so witless and so humourless that I gave it up on account of how many interesting, witty and funny books there are in the world and I set a high value on my precious time.