aidan wrote:But what you wrote (above) is an interesting point and taken together with this:
Quote:Disciplinary, forcing or administrating discipline
Cohesive, bringing people together, a strong bond
Vitalizing, to make livelier or vigorous, vitalise, boost spirit
Euphoric, a good feeling, happiness, confidence, well-being
it does beg the question as to what a society might look like if that bonding, tempering, uplifting and community building aspect is no longer present- even within recent memory.
It is rather witless to assume that such social attributes will not be present without religion--and is indicative of the bigotry of the religious to suggest it. For example, tribalism can produce exactly the same effects--witness the atavistic German nationalism of the late 19th century. The result of the that tribalism was the military state which attacked Denmark in 1864, Austria in 1866 and France in 1870; and which marched to war with Austria in 1914 without any consideration of whether or not there were any justice in Austria's cause.
I am reminded of that popular claptrap of Edmund Burke's which people are so fond of quoting, to the effect that the only thing necessary for evil to prosper is that good men do nothing. People get all giddy and quote that, without considering practical questions such as what is defined as evil, what it is intended be done, and who are the allegedly good men to do it.
The same thing applies here--all that looks plausible, but it isn't axiomatic that those effects will necessarily be good for society, nor is it established that such effects will on arise in the presence of organized religion.