Frank Apisa said:
Quote:The "Christian" thing to do would have been to accept the offer
Spendius said:
Quote:[re sting]- Possibly contrived by the newspapers which are in favour of secularisation for business reasons
1- There are christians and there are christians, some might have cheerfully accepted the atheists offer of help, but some christian hardasses obviously preferred running with these verses-
"Don't yoke yourself with unbelievers, for what do light and darkness have in common?" (2 Cor 6:14)
"Don't let unbelievers into your house" (2 John 1:10 KJV)
"Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Cor 15:33)
Personally i've never shunned an atheist, but i've shunned plenty of dumbass so-called "christians"..
2- By attacking Christianity, atheists are smoothing the way for Islam to flourish, and if ever Sharia Law becomes part of Western culture it's going to give atheists a very hard time, and they along with gays, lesbians, trannies, drunks, junkies, prostitutes, pinkos and lefties etc will be pleading "MWAAAH! please bring back Christianity!"
In fact posters like this are already going up in some muslim areas of British cities, together with 'Muslim Patrols' who go out hassling non-muslims in the areas-