What hinge so studiously avoided facing up to was that the peanut butter was merely a symbol of organic mixtures. A visual aid to make the point.
The billions of jars of peanut butter are as nothing when compared to all possible organic/inorganic possibilities in actual existence over the unimaginable period of time since life began on earth and that there is no evidence of new life springing into being from any one of them except the original one (see Evolution theory) for which there is no explanation and, indeed, no possibility of there ever being one.
So the question resolves itself into why does the human race seek an explanation and is not content with the mechanical, causal sequences hinge's curiosity is satisfied with?
The answer is self evident. It is that the human race is stupidly ignorant, in hinge's opinion, for being curious about the first cause and that curiosity is what has provided the funds for the CERN project. Thus only atheists who are satisfied with the simple explanations of mechanical, causal sequences are not stupidly ignorant: the corollary of which is that they are brilliant brainboxes. Obviously. QED.
Except that all organisms apart from humans are completely satisfied with mechanical, causal sequence explanations and thus hinge is taking us back to the anthropoid stage. In that stage there is no symbolism which explains why the peanut butter can't be seen symbolically by those stuck in it. The presenter probably didn't wish to get into a tropical swamp, in a thunderstorm, with a stirring implement but had he done so the point would be the same. He seems to have overestimated the intelligence of a part of his audience though.
hinge is tickling his own balls to be perfectly honest about it.