ossobuco wrote:
I was talking about the Susan Blackmore talk.
Oh, and can the three of you tell us what you are talking about, while avoiding the words 'meme' and 'ted'?
Yes to explaining without "TED." No to explaining without "meme." The topic was memes, and the idea of a special memetic: "Temes."
The basic idea is that if a pattern can be replicated, it will. The idea is built off of what we see in terms of genes, and their replication. Using memes to explain the development of various things and collections of things is to explain the literal evolution of non-biological forms, even conceptual ones like language.
e.g. - English wasn't invented. It is a collection of successful memes used to communicate whose form we call "English." The alteration of environmental factors (like the introduction of non-English speakers) or ability to replicate (like the advent of mass communication) then will inevitably change (read: evolve) what is English's form.
The same kind of analysis could be used to examine human mores and the various specification of of moral and ethical codes.