Oh, my. Well, spendi's a good egg (

). I am sure he is laughing along with us.
Spendi has typical British humor.
Very pedestrian, as it were.
Hang on. Rethink in order. I wasn't reckoning on a daughter. I don't know anything about daughters.
I had noticed that men with two daughters were prone to various unhelpful contingencies but my circle isn't big enough to be a satisfacory sample from a statistical point of view.
But if there is a correlation I expect it will level out soon with all this uni-sex stuff. Braun is bringing in chins as smooth as the underside of ladies breasts.
Spendius I can assure you that you are smarter than someone's teenage daughter at times but you may want to leave the comments out about breast and so forth so others may agree with me.
The reason I say this is because it seems that for the most part, it is only teen age boys that speak as often as you do about breast on a open forum!
Is he obsessing about women's breasts again? He ought to be out parading instead of posting all day on a2k. Perhaps he might get a peek at the real thing.
Do you think that it may make some people to wonder if Spindius is some dirty old man? An old horny fart so to speak?
Jesus ******* Christ . . . there is nothing that old drunk wants more than to be the subject of the thread, and you idiots have given him just what he wants.
In case you've forgotten (you obviously have), the subject of this thread is the experience of being an atheist. That old dypsomaniac isn't even an atheist, but he sure has played you jokers like a cheap fiddle.
Yes neuroscience has taught me that I am, Have you learned the same thing about yourself? Or is it all of us that have these problems and not you?
No, not everyone has these problems, most people have already abandoned this thread. You're delusional if you think it's your orchestra--the old drunk is the conductor in this pathetic cacophony, not you.
Congratulations, you've played exactly the tune he wants to hear. The thread is no longer about its subject, it's about him. And you have had a leading role in ******* this up for everyone.
Spindius the condutor was born a atheist and may have lost his way but he sure knows how to string you along as if you are a finely tuned string instrument as you seem to reply to all of his post. Are you his wife or are you a old girlfriend of his ?
@reasoning logic,
I never reply to any of his posts, haven't done for years. That's because i never read his posts, haven't done for years. I only know he's shitting all over the thread because i see him as the last person to post on the "New Posts" page, upon which i avoid reading the thread. But then i'll see that someone else has posted, such as you, and i'll look in to see what's going on. Of course, now i know it's a waste of my time to come here to see what you've posted, as obviously you have no more respect for Kay's thread than he does.
I think that there may be more to it than what you speak of but I do value your opinion even though you show no value for mine! That must make me some sort of freak dont you think?
What does the 46 in between the two thumbs mean? Is it that 46 people have abandoned the thread?
No, it means that the meaning of life is no longer 42...
Natural Selection 1
An offspring of a plant or animal has characteristics that vary, often in subtle ways, from those of its “parents.” Because of the environment, genetics, and chance circumstances, some of these offspring will reproduce more than others. So, a species with certain characteristics will tend, on average, to have more “children.” In this sense, nature “selects” genetic characteristics suited to an environment—and, more importantly, eliminates unsuitable genetic variations. Therefore, an organism’s gene pool is constantly decreasing. This is called natural selection (a).
a. In 1835 and again in 1837, Edward Blyth, a creationist, published an explanation of natural selection. Later, Charles Darwin adopted it as the foundation for his theory, evolution by natural selection. Darwin failed to credit Blyth for his important insight. [See evolutionist Loren C. Eiseley, Darwin and the Mysterious Mr. X (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1979), pp. 45–80.]
Darwin also largely ignored Alfred Russel Wallace, who had independently proposed the theory that is usually credited solely to Darwin. In 1855, Wallace published the theory of evolution in a brief note in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, a note that Darwin read. Again, on 9 March 1858, Wallace explained the theory in a letter to Darwin, 20 months before Darwin finally published his more detailed theory of evolution.
Edward Blyth also showed why natural selection would limit an organism’s characteristics to only slight deviations from those of all its ancestors. Twenty-four years later, Darwin tried to refute Blyth’s explanation in a chapter in The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (24 November 1859).
Darwin felt that, with enough time, gradual changes could accumulate. Charles Lyell’s writings (1830) had persuaded Darwin that the earth was at least hundreds of thousands of years old. James Hutton’s writings (1788) had convinced Lyell that the earth was extremely old. Hutton felt that certain geological formations supported an old earth. Those geological formations are explained, not by time, but by a global flood. [See
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“Darwin was confronted by a genuinely unusual problem. The mechanism, natural selection, by which he hoped to prove the reality of evolution, had been written about most intelligently by a nonevolutionist [Edward Blyth]. Geology, the time world which it was necessary to attach to natural selection in order to produce [hopefully] the mechanism of organic change, had been beautifully written upon by a man [Charles Lyell] who had publicly repudiated the evolutionary position.” Eiseley, p. 76.
Charles Darwin also plagiarized in other instances. [See Jerry Bergman, “Did Darwin Plagiarize His Evolution Theory?” Technical Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2002, pp. 58–63.]
[From “In the Beginning" by Walt Brown
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Atheism is a non-prophet organization.