Cycloptichorn wrote:
I like firefighters! Those handsome socialist devils.
I guess you rely on a private fire-fighting service, Conservatives? When the service commonly provided and paid for out of common funds, owned by the people, comes to your burning house - you tell 'em you don' want any of that socialist bullshit. Right?
And public safety is socialist how?
I know this is the go-to response for socialists trying to soften their message, (along with using roads, etc, as examples), but just about any civil society has a form of taxes that fund necessities. The U.S., for example, with our representative form of govt, allows for people to vote for those who will levy taxes for the common good. In our representative society, if we don't like the costs of some of these taxes or if we see extremism beginning to take place, a self-correction will occur. (As both parties have found over the years, and Dems will be reminded of in Nov.)
With true socialism basically unattainable due to the realities of human nature, socialist societies invariably revert to a form of capitalism or evolve into communist forms of govt, where they will take possession of their citizen's labor, property, and goods, and redistribute them as they see fit. And, of course, they usually have to do it at gun point, as history shows.
A socialist govt, like a fascist govt or any other repressive form of governing, is eventually totalitarian in nature.
Representative govts, not so much...