blueveinedthrobber wrote:
I get the post and I would respond that we're not doomed but we're over as the worlds number one superpower and we're in decline. I've been saying that for several years and nothing has happened that doesn't prove it out. To recognize that is not to be a fatalist or a chicken little type.
I don't have a problem with it. I know people in Germany, Norway, England, Scotland, Ireland...none of those nations are big super powers anymore and they live as well or better than the average American these days. and they have healthcare.
You've been saying that for several years and nothing has happened that proves you out.
America remains the premier economic, military and cultural force in the world.
Of course this is not a guaranteed status for all time, and there are nascent superpowers in the wings but predictions of the decline (let alone the fall) of the American Empire are not based in fact.
Everyone knows that no Empire is eternal and so it's not exactly genius to predict the American Empire will eventually decline and fall but predictions for a short term demise are more a perverse wishful thinking (when American) than supportable projection.
We've been treated, over the years, to predictions that the Soviets, the Japanese, a unified Europe and even Brazil would soon supplant the US, and now the sure bets are China and, to a lesser extent India.
This is and has been the work of people desperate to appear historically insightful with a good measure of anti-Americanism thrown into the mix.
China is a military midget compared to the US, and unless our government freezes all military development, and they beggar themselves in the attempt, they cannot ever hope to catch up.
From a cultural standpoint China looks a whole lot more like America than America looks like China, and what nations around the world are attempting to adopt truly Chinese cultural themes?
As for economics, China is fueled by a vast pool of cheap labor and driven by a central government that gets to set all the rules.
For China to supplant the US as the global economic power, it will have to operate by the rules of a global market and right now it's not willing to do so.
On top of this, all of the issues that American doom-sayers cite to support their prediction of America's decline are present in China in spades: Pollution, vast disparity of wealth, restricted personal freedoms, jingoism, etc.
Why does anyone think China will be able to surmount the ills that are eroding America, especially when such ills are far more pronounced in China?
When China becomes a true democracy then I will agree they are clearly next in line, and it won't bother me all that much either.
The American Empire is in no way an empire in the classic sense and that is the reason it will endure for many years to come.
After every Jimmy Carter will come a Ronald Reagan. Most Americans are proud to be Americans and don't experience existential angst because of their pride. Unlike the defeatist Left, they don't fall all over one another to prove they despise their country as much or more than any other.
My life experience tells me that only the personally defeated want to spread that defeat to the greater world around them.
Your life sucks, and so Life sucks.
Nothing is to be gained from not only accepting but embracing decay.
For those of you so disenchanted by America; who believe it is a collapsing cesspit; who long for a time of ignorant fancy, please embrace your disappointment and withdraw into your depression. The less you have to do with the rest of us, the better.