Wed 13 Jan, 2010 02:49 pm
A friend of mine told me that she woke at midnight to hear her son, matt singing, "twinkle twinkle little star, i'm gonna poopoo in my potty and not in my underware..." and found him in the bathroom, sitting on the potty. what a laugh! Kids are so great.
what's so great about that.....I sing that every day, (Acttually, it's very cute)
Not so cute when it's not in the potty...
Long ago, one of my children was safety buckled into his child seat when we arrived at our destination. I got out and walked around to the door where he was. When I opened it, he said "Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!" I undid the buckled and moved the straps saying "You're free! You're free! You're free!" He got a hurt look on his face and said "Daddy, I'm not free .... I'm two."
Well hopefully he's younger then 3 or 4 years old. I'd suggest a therapist if the kid was older then 10 years old.
Was he drunk?! I can't imagine he's his school's valedictorian either....
So when are you expecting him to go to the recording studio and record that particular song. Should hit the top 40 given a good dance beat!
I m the storyteller at two toddler story hours each week. Priceless gems are always forthcoming. One day, my cane, which was propped against a bookshelf, fell onto the floor and a little piece broke off of it. One little guy stood there, looked at it, shook his head and said, "bummer."