boomerang wrote: Oregon does not have very restrictive gun laws. It's the wild, wild, west.
I think it was the 1990s: I saw a piece
on Peter Jennings World News on ABC-TV about a State
in the Northwest, I don 't remember which one (not Alaska).
It was called the place where children
MUST carry guns to school every day.
Apparently, there 'd been some problems with some of the predatory fauna
and kids on their way to school, as a consequence of which,
a school rule was enacted that thay
MUST bring guns to school each day, for safety reasons.
I remember an interview of children aged 8 thru 12,
wholesome looking kids, who indicated that thay just
arrive in school each day, put their hats on the hatrack,
their coats on the coatrack, their guns on the gunrack
(rifles were
required, for the greater power thereof)
study arithmetic n geography and at the end of the day,
thay took their stuff and went home again
: no trouble.
That was the old paradime, pre-gun control.
When I was a kid, we had
gunnery teams in school, the same as baseball.