nyaz wrote:Let me start with your comment about Elian Gonzalez....
it is your capitalist elitist view that Elian's life is and will be spent
in "lifelong communist slavery", but you know absolutely nothing
about how he is living his life or how happy (or unhappy) he is.
That 's right.
nyaz wrote:While life in Communist Cuba wouldn't be my first choice,
I'm sure that there are plenty of content people in Cuba
and why shouldn't Elian be one of them?
Yes; with luck, he might rise among the commie slavemasters,
in that capacity enjoying all the luxury that he wants
as Castro has, or the ruling slavemaster elite of commie societies.
The dictator and his friends can live well.
nyaz wrote:And why should Elian's father have had to lose his son...
Because he successfully escaped to freedom
and he appealed for sanctuary here; he said on TV
that he wished to remain here; no big surprize,
when the alternative was living out his life in communist slavery
(unless he can successfully collaborate with the commie masters).
nyaz wrote:should we remove all the Cuban children from Cuba to save them from "slavery"?
That 's too much work, but when thay
successfully arrive here and just ask us to let them stay,
then that is easy. We can then protect their freedom,
but neither Janet Reno nor Clinton was ever into freedom
(except for themselves, of course).
nyaz wrote:Your point is, again, invalid and ridiculous.
Your mother wears army boots.
nyaz wrote: Next point: there is a huge difference between a girl you were "obsessively" in love with a girl
(I'm actually a bit scared by your use of that term)
and use this "love" in the same context as the love of a parent for a child?
Yes; in
both cases that emotion
confers NO RIGHT to control the object of that love.
nyaz wrote:This is, of course, because as a non-parent you not only have no
frame of reference for this kind of love, but no right to speak about it.
U appear to be both exceptionally stupid and
never having heard of freedom of speech.
Having an emotion
does NOT invest anyone with any rights.
There is
NO theory of law nor of equity that alleges that it does.
Maybe u can begin one.
nyaz wrote:No, people don't possess other people, or even think about possessing them unless they're a bit deranged
Well, I got the impression that was all that David Goldman was thinking about.
I did not see him cavorting on the Brazilian beach.
nyaz wrote:(starting to see a pattern here with your use of both the words obsession and possession)....
a parent doesn't possess or own a child, but until a child is of legal age,
that parent does have the right to determine what's best for them.
That is all well and good unless the child himself
vetos it and rejects it.
If Elian Gonzalez had rejected his father 's communism,
in favor of Individualism and personal liberty, that 'd have been admirable.
The oldest child of Andrea Yates tried to stop her,
but he lacked the necessary strength and he was unarmed.
He coud not find a weapon. The penalty for that was death.
nyaz wrote:The fact that you think a 9 year old possesses the maturity and
ability to do that is frightening.
It sounds like u are in
that your own child might opt for freedom and that scares u
(if he coud
GET it).
If Sean is able to articulate his desires by speaking out,
then no one shoud enslave him, forcing him to go
anywhere that he chooses not to go.
He belongs to
HIMSELF, not to anyone else, including his father.
not as if he were an escaped dog who is simply dragged back.
He shoud live wherever he wants, as long as he is welcome.
In this case, his grandmother welcomes him.
nyaz wrote:You say that the father didn't INHERIT the child from the mother....no,
both parents have equal responsibility for a child...
one doesn't inherit a child like property.
I have said that quite a few times already.
nyaz wrote:Again, a ridiculous analogy.
An analogy in whose conclusion
that u have
AGREED with me.
Your post gives me the impression that is
not that my arguments
too BAD, but rather that u are scared that thay are
too GOOD.
nyaz wrote:You also make the case that perhaps the stepfather is wealthier
than the father and therefore could give the child a better life...better life in what way?
Greater riches, more luxury, more servants, better tasting food, more beauty, more fun.
I was raising the point, in general, that if a kid rejects the rules
and hospitality of his father, he is within his moral, natural rights
to go down the road and to accept the invitation of a wealthier man
if he has been invited.
His father does not own him; he is free if he so declares himself.
To a slight degree, this concept reminds me of a situation I had
many decades ago: my friend, we were both about 13,
was thrown out of his house by his angry father.
I took him in to my apartment. (I had my own apartment in one of our houses.)
He lived well on my hospitality until thay reconciled.
nyaz wrote:If we were talking about the choice between living in a cardboard box or a house,
or being able to have food on the table or not, I'd say your argument had some validity,
but unless Sean would live in abject poverty with his father
this can not and should not factor into any decision.
Sean shoud be the judge of that, if he is welcome. He will live with the consequences.
nyaz wrote:How superficial are you that you would award a child
to the person with more money? Should only rich people have children? Are you for real?
That 's not what I said; can 't u read??
I said that the child shoud go
wherever he himself decides to go.
Depending upon his values, he might opt for the hospitality of a rich man
instead of a poorer father.
nyaz wrote:It is completely arrogant of you to say that I insulted Sean's mind
U DESERVE to be treated arrogantly
because you mock Sean 's mind
and of the minds of all 9 year old kids, (of whom I once was one).
On their behalf: I object to your contempt for them.
nyaz wrote:because I don't believe a 9 year old who's been put under tremendous pressure and influence by others
TELL us what proof u have of this.
(I don 't think u will; I think u will IGNORE my challenge
because u don 't have this information. We shall see if u do.)
nyaz wrote:otherwise you just sound like an idiot.
U are not my counsellor on skillful rhetoric.
I 'll express myself as I choose, not as u prefer.
My opinion of your mind (judging from your post) is not much higher
than your disdainful opinion of Sean 's mind because of his age.
nyaz wrote:As far as his mother kidnapping him...of course she did.
She had no legal right to take him out of the country permanently,
and in doing so it became a kidnapping. I don't know your
definition of kidnapping, but it certainly fits mine,
Really? What law do u offer in proof of your allegation?
Cite it please?
nyaz wrote:In your scenario, a 9 year old should then be able to decide
to just go off and live with anyone who welcomes him,
Yes; I respect his natural right to personal liberty.
nyaz wrote:should be able to quit school if it makes him happier to do so,
eat only ice cream and candy because he likes it...these are the
things an autonomous being can decide to do.
Government was never granted jurisdiction to force education
on unwilling citizens; if u disagree, then please indicate
when, where and how government was granted that jurisdiction.
I add that any citizen has the natural right to engage in
self destructive behavior; he owes no duty to anyone else
to abstain therefrom.
Government can only legitimately exist
nyaz wrote:Thank God you don't have children.
I have already done that.
It is a
thrill to me that I have none of the problems attendant thereto.
I don 't have to pay for dental braces nor jail bail.
For sure, I will never fall victim to a patricide.
YOU can only
GUESS at that.
Too many fathers have been slain by their children
unexpectedly when everything was peaceful.
Every time I hear of that happening, I revel in how well off I am.
(Then there was also the gross, nasty old Sicilian on my block
who murdered his son, who was in his 40s, after their dogs had a fight.)
I will never have that problem, either.