Hi BillRM,
How are you trouble maker? I wondered where you had gone. Good to have you back.
Now I'm new at this you understand. OK, you asked a question. What nation is the technology leader of the world now and for the last 130 years. OR SO?
I don't know why you asked me that. Industrial history is not really my thing. Well it depends on what technological advances are the most world changing Well it was an English, scientist that found penicillin, and first used it, but it was an American, that found how to suspend the mould. and mas produce it. It was the Greeks that invented the steam turbine, but the English, were the first to put it to rail. The French, discovered radium. There are so many The English, made the first combustion engine out of a steam engine. Americans made the lite bulbs.It was the English I think that invented the computer ' I think', but it was the Americans, that invented the idea of the Internet, but I am not sure about that. I have heard that it was an English chap that had the idea of Internet, I will have to look that one up.
I would be guessing but I think it would be the Americans, That have done the most inventing. May be some other people would like to help you with this one.
Now could you please tell me what 'trolling is'?
Didn't you ask me how may aircraft carriers we lost in the second world war. Isn't it you that takes it personally when I said G W Bush, is a war criminal ? Isn't it you BillRM, that every time I asks a question you
don't like. You remind me that America won the first and second world war all by your selves. Even though You came in late in the first would war. America, came in the second world war two years late and kept trading with the Nazi's for that two years, before you came in two help the British, That at that point had held off both the Nazi's and the Japanese, and the Italian's.
Wait for it. Are you ready ? Here we go.