A few days before Christmas I check the electrical candles.
The 23rd we decorate the tree but not until the 24th the lights go on.
The presents are not put under the tree until the 24th.
All touching and gussing I avoided one year by not putting tags on. I had numbers on the presents and list with the same number and the name for whom it was.
A very nice tradition in Scandinavia is to have a vers to be read before you open the present. My father was an expert in making good verses matching the gift without being able to guessing what it was. Of course it takes much more time until everything has been opened
In parts of Scandivia we have boiled ricepudding Christmas Eve as dessert with one almond. In Denmark you get a small gift if you get the almond. In Sweden you have special ricepudding verses. They are really called porridge rimes and goes back to having fun making up verses or rimes when having porridge. Now it is only around Christmas.