48 lbs...Wow, they got big! They sound like a lot of fun, though. I remember you talking about Stripe and how at first he didn't really think that the new puppies were too bad seeing how he was bigger...Poor kitty

I'll bet secretly he's glad you got them.
At times, my daughter calls Zazu the Evil Baby, because he wants to get into everything and thinks that everything was put here for his teething enjoyment. I firmly believe that puppies are made to look as cute as they are so that they can get away with as much as they can. They really keep you on your toes, don't they? (Or, should that be on their toes?)
Oh, I know about the stepping back and stepping on problem. I don't think that Zazu even weighs 4 lbs. yet, and he's constantly under, over, and behind my feet. I wear clogs a lot of the time, so I know it's got to hurt when ever my foot lands on his. Hopefully, he'll learn to move out of the way someday soon, too!
Miniature Pinschers are also known to be yappy dogs, but Zazu rarely barks. He yips a little bit before he lays down when I have to leave him in his crate (like when I take a shower and can't trust him alone in the house), but if he hears other dogs barking outside, he never barks back. He also doesn't bark at the neighbors or squirrels or birds...Totally the opposite of Rocket. I keep waiting for the noise to begin, but so far I've been lucky...Will have to keep my fingers crossed on that one!