deer have an amazing ability to jump . There are farmers round us that raise deer for these game parks where "Dudes" come to shoot these domestic deer for trophy racks. (buncha douche bags IMHO). ANYWAY, these deer farms usually have 10 ft high fences. Wehave 48" high woven wire fences in our pastures and the deer, when they want to, can just jump over a 48" fence from a standing [position. They dont need a runnie.
*" fences can be cleared by deer with a runnie so deer farms use 10' fences of failry light woven wire.
So assume a deer hs a big clearnce runnie as it tries to clear your car.
Course, we have a lot of deer car interactions on supwrhighways and the deer and cars just plow into each other on a dead run. On superhiays, at this time of year, its best to just not drive at warp 9