(Proverbs 13:24)(King James Version)
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
(Proverbs 13:24) (New King James Version)
He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
Your right in the king James version it doesn't say word for word ,spare the rod spoil the child but spareth his rod is pretty close. It was my own arrogance and ignorance to convey the versus to you the way I did. I have remedied that now, I should have been more precise in the first place.
You can interpret the Proverbs 13:24 line of the bible any way you like, and I am sure you will. People see the world as they are and not as it is. To see any subject with truly objective eyes you would have to remove all your own experience and of course that is impossible. But it's still a hard sell to make this line in the bible mean anything other then to at least suggest parents should use a rod to discipline their child. If you find yourself manipulating the sentence to fit your vision of how the issue should be handled according to you then your not taking advise from the bible your only hearing that which supports your own way of thinking and if you know best you should really become the new messiah and write a new bible.
You have to at least admit that some people could reasonable say that this line in the bible advocates spanking a child. To deny those people the right to reasonable use physical discipline would therefore be a direct conflict to their practice of religion. And back to my original point, America was founded because of those seeking religious freedom. To take the right of a parent to in act corporal punishment is unconstitutional.
The bottom line is that there are some many issues like this that are really the crux of living. If all the answers fit in to a nice neat box we would all just follow them and anyone doing anything else would clearly be wrong. These are the questions that make life personal, passionate, and interesting to ponder. While anyone persons answer my not be yours don't get so upset about it because no one will ever know for sure the answer that will be right for everyone on this subject but we can hope that you will know the right answer for yourself and your children.