Cycloptichorn wrote:
Bullshit. Furthermore, shaming is harmful, too.
In fact, it is not bullshit. This isn't really a credible rebuttal to my opinion.
It's at least as credible as your claim. More so, I suspect: I've studied how to discipline kids effectively and my wife is a Ph.D. psychologist who has studied the research and has direct experience with child and family therapy.
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:
Then your parents should have had more tools at their disposal.
Such as?
Such as effective discipline techniques. These include but are not limited to: natural consequences, time out, loss of privileges, discussions of proper behavior, reward economies, etc.
You'd be surprised what a kid will go through to get a $3 ride on a pony....
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:
Kids need to be taught logic and reasoning. Please explain how beating them accomplishes this.
I am amazed that this is not immediately obvious, and that any adult would need this basic fact of life explained to them: that actions have consequences, and severe transgressions have consequences which rise in severity.
What's not immediately obvious is how physical punishment accomplishes this.
Physical punishment works so long as a) there is someone to enforce the punishment, b) the act and the punishment are temporally related, c) the child understands the consequence, and c) the child believes there is a reasonable chance of getting caught.
Your example lacks c).
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Bad parenting is bad parenting, whether there is spanking involved or not.
We don't spank, and our kids are the best behaved kids in our circle.
Frankly, the only thing that hitting a kid teaches them is how to physically dominate people.
I disagree with your opinion regarding physical domination. The infrequent spankings I received taught me nothing of the sort whatsoever.
It is not bad parenting to spank your children when they have been bad, not in the slightest.
You're welcome to your opinion, but I suggest you do some research before you start throwing it around. Your opinion flies in the face of the accepted research on the subject.
Cycloptichorn wrote:Quote:
Study after study shows that it isn't done correctly, and that it does have lasting effects.
By far the most frequent reason for spanking/hitting is that the parent is angry, not because of a stated disciplinary rule. Also, parents misjudge the amount of force and physically scar kids.
I guess some parents do. Anything is harmful if you do it wrong...
Not "some". Almost
all parents who spank do it wrong. Not necessarily to the point of physical injury, but in terms of it being an effective disciplinary technique.
Here's what research says about it: consistency is the most important factor; severity of the punishment (spanking vs. non-spanking) is almost meaningless. Spanking
can be an effective disciplinary tool, if it is used in a consistent manner. But spanking is
almost never used in a consistent manner, and so becomes useless as a tool. Furthermore, even when used consistently, it is no more effective than other disciplinary techniques.