That's an inherent contradiction right there though in what you say. On the one hand, your grandparents did the right thing because they taught you something about the adult world. On the other hand, paying back with money would have been stupid because it would have taught you something about the adult world.
Just found this as a sample paragraph of the research out there:
Quote:Elizabeth Gershoff, a researcher at University of Michigan's School of Social Work, says Straus's findings are consistent with the literature. "I have every faith in his research," Gershoff says. "The more children are spanked, the more aggressive they are and the more likely they are to engage in delinquent or at-risk behaviors." Sexual behavior is just one example of that behavior, she says. One lesson kids learn, says Gershoff, is that if you have the power in a relationship, you can use aggression to get your way. Another: "[Kids] may learn that sometimes there's pain and fear involved in loving relationships."
I'm glad you feel that you suffered no ill effects from the treatment you received. That doesn't really prove anything though. This is one of those things that is
risky. Sometimes it's damaging, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's profoundly damaging, sometimes it's moderately damaging. But time and science has really not borne out the idea that it's something you
should do.