AWWWWWwwww. Ya shouldna.

I still got two days till I can collect my one pension. Then Itll be 59 year of life.
Gather about me my children, and I will tell you of days when the earth was cooling, when there was no punctuation. I remember the sad day when dinosaurs were cut down in their prime. My mother was the first in our family who could walk upright and I, of course , excelled in stone projectile point making.
I remember Jesus. He was thin,... thin guy, with the sandles and the belt and that white robe, very classy. Used to hang out with these 12 bums.
Used to come into my dads candy store.
Theyd never buy anything, just ask for a glass a water.
He got hung , very sad, but he shoulda kept his mouth shut and heda been alright. Did he listen? NOOOO!