Well Mame-- obviously he's a pig. He's a mammal and if you ask a scientist they will tell you that they are all the same physiologically. I'm a well-evolved microbe in case you didn't know. My very strict scientific education led me to no other conclusion. The pseudo-scientists on A2K are having you on. They think they are professors of geology and other fatuities. It takes many lines of print to say what some of them are and what they are doing and they like having it repeated.
They are such sophisticated Christians that they have forgotten it and are thus enabled to pick and choose which parts of Christian theology to adhere to and which to reject something like a sophisticated lady going through the racks in the supermarket fashion department deciding which shroud will get the chaps a-drooling.
There's no need now to evolve sexual stimulation signifiers. It's such a drag. Technology is a lot faster. Think how long it would take to evolve a tounge stud. And genital ironmongery doesn't bear thinking about.
As a pig, or a man, or a stag, he instinctively reacts in an evolved instinctive way, which, by definition, he can't help, to females displaying the appropriate signal. Some mammals shake their antlers at such signals. Some their mane.
Some make a sound such as "Do you come here often you gorgeous hunk of lascivious promise?"
What happens after that is common knowledge and it would be an insult to the intelligence of A2Kers to attempt a description of it.
What is all this "moral compass" stuff Mame. Your Christian slip is peeping out there. There's a biological compass as well and some physicians think it is inadvisable to ignore it. Is your "moral compass" just those aspects of Christianity which suit the Lady Party whilst ignoring the aspects that don't.
And the cannibals call human flesh "long pig" because of how similar we taste to roast ham.
I can't understand why he ever got married in the first place. It was asking for trouble and, as hawk implies, he thrives on trouble. Not that I agree. Games requiring concentration also require no trouble.
Unless, and I speculate here, somewhat fancifully I'll admit, it has all been staged as an explanation for a decline in form caused by age and ennui which it is not American to demonstrate, and thus requires a snow job to disguise it, whilst also supplying media with a range of diluted sexual stimulations with which to tittivate its customers and suggest ideas they can weave into their conversations about this important matter.