And something I read in the Guardian this weekend really highlighted the difference in the press and attitudes toward sex and what are seen as other more private issues when written about in America as compared to how they're addressed and written about in Europe (or at least England).
There was an interview with George Michael who has his own demons and proclivities, and he said that since he came out in 1998, or to be more precise was outed by his own foolish and risky sexual behavior - he's felt a huge sense of relief and said that actually that was the best thing that could ever have happened to him, in terms of allowing him to live his life with some semblance of peace and integrity.
It caused him huge amounts of stress and depression to continue to try to pretend that he was something other than he was. He said that now that people know who he is and what he's about, he doesn't have to apologize to himself or anyone else for it. He can just do it and be it.
And I'm not advocating his behavior or saying it's right or wrong - but at least now he can add honest to his list of character traits (on the good side).
That made me think of Tiger Woods and this situation. And if people want to keep paying him when they know he's pretending - that's on them- apparently he made very little effort to hide this from anyone who really knew him- the only people who were duped were the people who are naive enough to believe that this **** doesn't go on all the time.