Quote:Something about this post just sounds wrong to me....not the description of the person, but the fact that someone thinks it's ok to make fun of them for dressing nicely and using feminine products (nail polish).
You described seeing this person as a 'nutjob' experience.
Really? Are you not the same Gala that is complaining on another thread about the way black people are treated in the USA? But you think it's ok to come over here and say these things about metro-sexuals? What if he wasn't a metro-sexual, but was actually gay or transgendered. Would it still be ok to make fun of them?
If I had had a conversation with said metrosexual I probably would have liked him. But there is something so comical to me about straight guys who coif. And to clarify your point, he could have been gay, too, but I doubt it. This guy was an uber-coiffer. He more than likely has a bazillion more toiletries than I do.
He is not a nutjob. But other people live in less conservative place than I do and I knew they'd post some stories. Although, I could have used a better choice of words, because in reality, the people who walk around with iguanas on their shoulders, or spout at the top of their lungs that Sherlock Holmes is riding the subway with them are really interesting people.