Horrible experince with dating a widow

Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 02:15 pm
For the first time in my life there is part of me that does not want to live anymore. I would never harm myself, I just feel that there has never been another time I felt so sad. I thought a lot about my life and have been trying to be a really good person. I actually don’t think it’s that hard, although life has to remind me of tough lessons from time to time. I searched hard to find a really good person to be with after last year’s events of the end of a longterm breakup, and surprisingly met an amazing person. She is 27 and I am 35. I knew she was damaged since I learned she had been grieving the loss of her husband for a year and a half. Things started off with us fine and we moved in together. The anniversary of his loss a few months later stirred up a lot of emotions and we went through our first and only fight where she moved in with her sister. She was grieving and I found a suitcase in her closet that had clothes from her husband. It wasn’t even like we fought since there was no actual fight "it was just her shutting down after I tried to talk with her. It only took 3-weeks for us to come back together much stronger and happier. We laughed and had great times and even talked about marriage soon, with her excited telling her friends and family. Everything seemed really good.

Until last week when she was sick and I brought over a bunch of things to make her feel better, including ingredients for homemade chicken noodle soup. We have been together for jst over 10 months. At the end of the week she still wasn’t well so I was over again with her and her sister. We started talking about the topic of pregnancy with the symptoms she had so she then took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. She took another and of course it was positive as well. Things were ok in the discussion since her and I had talked about it before. She seemed fine with it at first. As the evening progressed we started talking about the future and she stated that she will only live in the city we live in now, so no suburbs near by. I agreed that the city was preferred although replied that we must be flexible and open to what is best for us and the baby. She was not feeling well and did not like my opinion. I never experienced anything like that with her before since she is the calmest person I know. The discussion progressed and her sister started saying that she should have an abortion and I was shocked and hurt to be put through that experience. It was around 10:45pm so I got up from the table and started to put my shoes and jacket on to leave, but before doing so I walked over, put my arm around her waist and kissed her head and told her I would speak to her the next day. Maybe I should not have left although I refuse to get into an argument with her. I promised I would never do so however I was hurt that she put me through that with her sister. This decision was between her and me "not her sister. Anyhow, later she text me asking if I was ok. I responded back and we went back and forth on what happened and I told her how I feel. She was upset saying I wasn’t caring about her feelings and was only focused on myself and the baby. I told her that wasn’t true. Well, the texting went on and she said “of course I want this baby”.

The next morning I sent a text to ask her how she felt. We talked about food and she told me to come over and she will make me breakfast so I headed over. This time she did not look happy and we started talking as I ate breakfast. She was very upset that I had walked out on her. I told her the same thing I said the night before about not liking how she put me through that with her sister, although she didn’t seem to care. She then started saying that she will have this baby and give it to me to raise. I asked what about her and she said I don’t care about her, only the baby so she will give it to me. Soon after she said she is going to have an abortion and started looking on the computer of where to go, reading to me on the procedure. I was shocked being in this situation with her. I had tears in my eyes and told her ‘well you know I cannot be with you then”, she said “you don’t want to be with me anymore” and I said “no” and left. I know I need to learn my lesson about walking out although I was hurt and promised myself I would not fight her.
I walked home from her place in the rain to take time to think, which took over 1-hour. The next day (Sunday) I had started texting her again saying I am sorry for leaving however I couldn’t believe she caught me off guard like that. We had spent all week with messages back and forth and she stated she was going to the doctor Thursday. I told her I should be there with her and prayed she would not follow through with it. She was angry. She said she could not trust that I love her and was not sure if she loved me anymore. She then said she had to reschedule the appointment until Saturday and needed time to think.

The next day she contacted me stating the same thing. I asked her to meet me to talk and she agreed so we met last night for dinner near her work. I have never seen her like that and she dominated the discussion. For someone so tiny she is an incredible smart and strong woman. I told her that we couldn’t go through with this and she had our baby inside her. She told me she was going to take a pill and it would be over with because I don’t love her. I told her that wasn’t true and of course I love her. I want to spend my life with her and this baby. I told her if she took this pill our baby would die inside her for up to 2-weeks while she has bleeding with bad cramps. It is her B-day next Tuesday as well and her sister leaves that day for Japan for 3-months. I told her I am so worried about her. I told her I am fully prepared to raise this baby with her emotionally and financially and she blew it off. She looked angry and upset. We ate and I walked her home trying to get her to rethink this. I could see that she was afraid and hurting inside although she was trying hard to keep her composure. She told me to meet her at the doctors Thursday morning so I realized she never rescheduled. She told me we will build a family together when we are ready.

I walked home from her place again last night to think and then sent her a text once I returned home. She told me back telling me to take it easy and will see me in the morning. This morning I was with her in the doctor’s office full of people as she filled out the forms for a 4-6 hour procedure and asked me if I could stay that long. I told her I couldn’t (which I said because I was having a difficult time being involved with this). She asked if I could come back and then said she will take a pill instead of the procedure. I asked that she please give us more time to work this out. She went to the receptionist and then sat on a different chair near the front filling out paperwork. I felt like I was going to be sick. It was horrible.

I had a little bag that I brought which was full of her things she had at my place, so I placed the bag at her feet and left. I went to a Church and lit 3 candles, one for her, one for the baby and one for me, all in a row. The one on the left and right were lit ok, although the one in the middle that I lit of the baby was dim. It was lit although not brightly. I prayed that God gave her the faith not to go through with it.

Maybe I deserve this life. Maybe I do. But this baby didn’t and I am so sad in what this girl and this baby had to go through. I still hope that she didn’t go through with it and we could work this out, Im just not sure on any chance of that being a reality. Thanks for listening.
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 02:37 pm
I'm thinking the first thing you should do is get confirmation of this pregnancy. I mean documented confirmation from a gynocologist. Then start sorting out your feelings and deciding what you are going to try to do.
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 03:02 pm
Thanks! I do not know how I would be able to do that. I am scared to know the outcome plus the doctor’s office cannot legally tell me anything so I would have to ask her. I hope she did not go through with it. She may not have yet even though she intends to, since she wanted to avoid the pill and choose the procedure and no one was there at the doctor’s office to take her home.

I struggle since I want to be there for her but know I could never respect her if she went forward with this. We were a good couple, talking all the time about getting married. She kept telling me that is what she wanted. I had gone to look at rings the week earlier. We had joked about her being pregnant and she even tried to pick out names with me (her idea). The fact that she would do this now is very disappointing to us as a couple. I also make more than enough money for us to live a nice life and I am only in my 30s with a bright career future (so thankful for this). There is no reason for us not to have this baby. It is very hard when the person I truly love and call my baby chooses to end the life of the baby we make together. The only thing left for me to do is move on and not look back (easier said then done). -thanks again!
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 03:43 pm
No, the doctor can't give you this information. If she wants to believed, she will share the report. Otherwise, I suppose you will be all noble and spring for whatever the abortion costs, assuming there is one.

Remember, if there really is a baby, and she leaves it with you, she just may come back in another decade and decide she wants to be a mother, after all. Get custody nailed down before getting into any agreement.

I'm not normally so defensive, but when you start talking about what to name the baby, and a week later you find you are talking abortion, it just doesn't sound right. Focus on the long term, and keep your hand on your wallet.
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 04:06 pm
Thanks again Roger. I would be full of joy if she decided to have this baby, and would be fine if she leaves it with me. Although challenging, I would devote my life to ensure the kid has a fighting chance in this world. If she comes back in another decade and decides she wants to be a mother after all and be in the kids life, well that is fine to. As long as she doesn’t abort this baby I can forgive.

I am not sure what is going to happen next. As quoted from Wedding Crashers -"we have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future. All we can do is use the information at hand to make the best decision possible." I am disappointed because I tried hard to save this kid, and the decision she is making now is wrong. A week ago she was telling me she loved me, had been talking about marriage and a kid, and then all of this happened. I know this is hard for her. I could only imagine what she is going through. This girl has been through a lot with the loss of her husband. She was young and watched him die.

I believe many of the comments she made to me about “not loving her” or “could not trust that I love her” and “I only think of myself and the baby” are all key signs that she is afraid. I think she felt that I was more concerned with the baby’s safety then hers and was afraid. I think the thought of a baby being dependant on her makes her scared. I just think she is making this decision because she is afraid and thinking negatively, instead of realizing the good and happiness that it can bring. I only pray that she decided to wait and gives this more time to think.

Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 06:08 pm
I don't even know what to say. I just feel really sad for you.

I will keep you in my prayers, Jack. I hope it all works out. I have known guys who have lost their child at the hands of abortion when they wanted the mother to have the baby. Praying you don't have to go through that.

You sound like you would be a wonderful father. Stay strong.

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Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 06:11 pm
Some very clear things:
She is not ready for a relationship with you
She is not ready to be a mother

This is very painful for you, for sure. My heart goes out to you. But this gal seems to be on the brink of a breakdown - even before the pregnancy - which can really throw a person off (hormones all crazy etc.)

You are looking at a future full of crisis and responsibility if this woman feels that she has been foreced to have a baby.

Allow her to make this decision - and then determine if you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone like her.

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Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 06:14 pm
I'll hope for the best. I know you didn't ask advice, but I think you're becoming clear on what is important to you. That's half the battle. Good luck!
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 07:10 pm
Thanks All. And of course I do not mind advice and honest opinions. I am trying to figure all this out so it helps. Kind Regards!
Reply Thu 8 Oct, 2009 10:31 pm
I don't think she knows what she wants, it sounds all up and down and backwards and forwards and you are being tugged in all directions emotionally. I feel you need to get some sort of actual proof of this pregnancy, the sister does not sound like she's much help at all...so she wont be useful at helping you. I would walk away for a while to be quite honest until she sorts herself out a bit on the mental stability side of things, otherwise she may just pull you down with her and one of you needs to be strong with a bit of logic.
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Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 10:22 am
You sound like a good guy. Let me ask you a question.

Considering what your lady friend just put you through are you going look at her behavior as a prelude to how she will act in your marriage?

If you open a bottle of wine and drink a tiny sip, and it tastes bloody awful, are you going to have to down the entire bottle to prove to yourself how bad it tastes?
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 10:32 am
OK, so she lost her husband at age 24 or 25. She was grieving for about a year and a half and then met you. 10 months after she met you -- 10 months! -- she becomes pregnant.

She realizes that she's not sure if she's ready to have a baby or make a lifetime commitment to someone she's known for 10 months. Her concerns are met with absolutes from you -- she must have a baby. You will take care of it if she doesn't want it, but she must have it or you're gone.

That's heavy stuff for her, too.

You certainly have the right to your opinions about abortion and it's heartbeaking if you want a baby and she doesn't. It's a really horrible part of an emotional debate.

I just don't think it's crazy for her to find this difficult, too, and since most people here seem to be putting a lot on her, wanted to say something about that.
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 10:59 am
Hi Sozobe, thank you for your message. I understand what you are saying however I cannot accept this due to the experinces I had with her -she was telling me she wanted to marry me soon and was commenting on me buying a ring. She said she was ready and loved me. I had already begun looking and could have spent a lot of money on something important for nothing.

We also joked about her being pregnant and she picked out names. Then when she finds out its true she flakes out and decides to make this decision out of anger. Honestly, I know she is going through a lot but this is just not something I can accept to live with. Maybe she is thinking the way you stated, but at the end of the day you must use good judgement and frankly I do not know what they heck she is thinking. Part of me thinks she was hurt badly by loosing someone close so she is now taking it out on me.

If she didnt go through with it I will work with her on whatever we need to, and be there for her through it all, but if she did go through with it I will need to move on. I write these messages holding on to hope. If she went through with it there are scars that will never fade, for either one of us.
Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 11:09 am
Hi Kuvasz, thank you for your message. So you ask " “Considering what your lady friend just put you through are you going look at her behavior as a prelude to how she will act in your marriage?”

…well I am still holding onto hope that this is a learning experience that we needed to go through, and I am hoping that she of course did not proceed with this decision. Relationships go through learning experiences that many times make a couple much stronger and happier, although sometimes also splits them apart. I need to respect the person I love, and if she went through with this I can no longer respect her. This was a baby that we created together and the fact that she would go through a procedure or take a pill to “get rid of it” makes me sick. This was not one of those times when that options made any sense.

So if she did, I now have to figure out how to get over someone I love that I have no respect for anymore -this is just really tough for me to say\write\believe.
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Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 11:18 am
Jack, she did not make this decision out of anger. Whether she made a carefully considered decision (doubtful based on your description) or one based on fear (likely) or even extreme terror, she didn't just get mad at you and decide to have an abortion. It's very easy at this point when you are upset and angry to assign horrible motivations to your ex, but please resist that temptation. She isn't ready to be a mother, is terrified of being a mother and if marrying you means that she has to carry a baby she doesn't want, then she doesn't want to marry you either. I'm sorry for both of you. Take a deep breath, mourn your loss and then when you are ready, move on. Don't waste a lot of time hating someone you loved just a few days ago.
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Reply Fri 9 Oct, 2009 12:11 pm
bldjack wrote:

frankly I do not know what they heck she is thinking.

I think she is scared to death.

Then when she finds out its true she flakes out and decides to make this decision out of anger.

I'm sorry, I don't think this is a decision based on anger.

Jack... I'm so sorry you're hurting as you are - from what you write, which is terribly sad and shocking for you, it must be complete disbelief at what is happening in such a short time, but to read, it sounds to me as tho you have already lost respect for her and that will be a hard thing to gain back even if she carries this pregnancy. You will need to trust her - and, from what I read, that trust is gone - understandably.... It may be terribly hard to get that trust back.

If she didnt go through with it I will work with her on whatever we need to, and be there for her through it all,

If she continues with the pregnancy - it isn't going to all suddenly fall into place. You are going to have to work really hard to reassure her that you love her, no matter what. Trust has to work both ways - it sounds as tho she does not trust your love for her. (I hope that makes sense, not meaning it to sound harsh). Actually, if she lost her husband and watched him die, it may be very hard for her to trust in love.

If she is pregnant, and carries this baby and becomes a mother - you will have to be very careful that you do not throw the "uncertainty" back at her if you are together. That will be very hard not to do. I can only imagine how desperate you feel right now - if you truly love her and wish to be with her as you say, then you will need to support her and reassure her. If she is not ready to become a mother - then, she is not ready and you cannot make her have your child. I know, you understand that already. I understand you're saying you cannot support her decision and be with someone you love who has terminated a pregnancy.

This must be so difficult. For both of you.

I think you are scared too, frustrated, angry, sad - because you don't know what's happening and this is completely out of your control. This pregnancy is a great joy for you, but she is all over the place in her head.

Part of me thinks she was hurt badly by loosing someone close so she is now taking it out on me.

I think from reading along this thread - she sounds very scared. Please try to understand her feelings too.

Keep talking.

Will hope for you too that this works out the best way for you both.

No judgement.

If she went through with it there are scars that will never fade, for either one of us.

Yes, very much so.

Reply Mon 12 Oct, 2009 10:03 am
Hi All, I sent her a text Friday eve just to check on how she was doing. She replied at 6am Saturday morning saying she was better today although couldn't sleep at all the night before so she was going to try and get more rest. I never replied however she sent another message at 12:30 Saturday eve stating she hopes I have a great and successful future and to take care.

I am not sure what to do. I could start going out again and begin dating however this is the girl that I love and was supposed to marry. I just think it sucks.
Reply Mon 12 Oct, 2009 10:25 am
Yes, you should start going out again whenever you are ready. This relationship is over. She aborted your child, you've lost all respect for her and if you get back together, this will eat at you over the years. She's not to hot on you either; you tried to pressure her into something she was not ready for and every time you have a disagreement, she's going to flash back to this moment and wonder if you are trying to impose your will upon her. I think the well is poisoned here, and I don't see fault on either side.
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Reply Tue 13 Oct, 2009 04:52 am
If you want to take up again with her, give her some time. Let her know that you are going to leave her alone for a while. That will give you time to figure out what you want to do, too.

This shakey relationship was affected by the VERY MUCH unwanted pregancy and the pressure you placed on her.
Reply Mon 19 Oct, 2009 01:43 pm
Hey sully, thanks! She has been emaling me everyday through this whole experince and last Tuesday (her B-Day) asked me to come spend time with her. We did, chatted a little and then I left. I was torn all week on what to do so I met up with her Friday evening again for us to talk and wound up spening the weekend with her. She said with everything going on in her life it was not the right time for a baby, however she still want to build a future with me. She also told me that when her husband passed she was left with some debt of his that has been a big concern for her. She felt that until she pays this off over the next year, it along with everything else (green card, not married, etc.) is not the right time for a baby. Although I do not agree, I understand and will try and see where this relationship goes. She asked that we work together and hopefully will get married then plan a family. thxs again!
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