How fortunate for us that they are anal retentive bad guys.
Most dictatorships are rigidly controlled and rigidly planned.
Nazi Germany was rigidly controlled and rigidly planned.
You are making the ridiculous argument that a nation like Iran has some sort of rational reserve.
How many countries would bet their security on the assumption that they could actively aid in killing the soldiers of the most powerful nation on earth and not suffer severe retribution?
Now, as it turns out, it has been a good bet, but are you really trying to suggest that it was the move of a geo-political chess master? What have they gained in comparison to what they might have lost?
There is this absurd fantasy that Hannibal Lectors as people or nations actually exist. They do not. Iran is not some masterfully subtle manifestation of evil. A brutal thug can be shrewd, but he is still a brutal thug and his reliance on violence and oppression will ultimately lead him to disaster.
Perhaps you have confidence in the rationality of the Iranian Theocracy, but I don't and neither does Israel, and if Vegas was taking bets on this scenario, your's would be the long shot by far.
If the US and Israel is getting played on a regular basis by Iran it is because neither country is willing to reduce itself to their level, but this is not something Iran can rely upon forever.
How many times do nations like North Korea and Iran have to play us before we realize they have absolutely no intention of negotiating in good faith?
If we don't have the guts to call their bluffs they will continue to have their way. At some point your masterful Persian chess players will get too cocky and go too far. Unfortunately when this happens a great many people will lose their lives in proving me right and you wrong.