Started painting yesterday.
Ohhh what a task.
My friend is just such a fantastic woman. Loaded her car with all of her gear and went at my house like it was a million dollar project.
We got a tiny mini roller for Jillian and even through her sickness was up, shirtless, pushing paint into the texture of the wall.
I DO !! I DO!! have a couple of photos. But they are on her phone as I did not think to carry my camera.
I finally got a hold of my current, soon to be ex, landlord.
In talking with him, I see that this is a good end for me as well. Nothing bad mind you.. he is just too sucked into the negative of this place. So much so that , it is all he projects about it. Everything is going wrong. everything is the end of the world. Everything is a strain.
I do adore the man. He is a great person. And I wish him the best. But I am also happy not living in someones 'strain' and exhaust anymore.
I promise to take my camera this morning and get some photos.
The kitchen is a warm gold color that will have black if not deep brown iron face plates on the switches and 2 large, deep green , tropical plants.
With a dark wood table, it is going to be absolutely brilliant .
The living room is a deep green color with stark white trim. Vaulted ceiling makes it look SOOOO large and feel SOOO open.
The windows in this place could not be more perfect. I will catch every single breeze known to man

And I am a huge window person.
The ceiling fan that is in the living room is beautiful and super strong. I am excited to be able to shop for more for the bedroom and for Jillians room.
Her room is going to be done in 'princess' colors.
Purple. Lady wants PURPLE!
So ......purple she shall have.
One accent wall a soft blue and on the purple, white fairy and flower stencils to break up the thick color. A eggshell white canopy in one corner and soft blue sheets on her new large futon bed will also help break up that color.
I am going to remove her doors on her closet to let some white ( or another soft blue ) show up to keep the color in balance.. The closet is going to be turned into a castle.
Brick ( a pattern sponge) will be painted around the doors and maybe along the back wall. Depends on how froggy mom feels after doing all this work. AK!
My room.. I am thinking of a dark brown.
I have had an earthy deep red for a while and LOVE it... but do not want to continue it.
The hall from the living room to bedrooms is going to be a slate grey
and then I have two bathrooms to make up my mind about
not to mention the garage.