When I saw "good" Robert eyes after he tried to sit, I thought his heart stopped beating or he stopped breathing - his eyes looked dead. I guess that what happens when you pass out and your eyes stay open. I thought they were going to have to do CPR for a second.
Believe it or not I am starting to have a certain appreciation for the "bad" Robert. Nothing seems to phase him physically - the rain/the challenges, etc. I don't know if I've seen a player like him - he also plays this about as smart as you can. He knows when to pull back and when to "attack". Notice how he only goes after some one when they call him out for what he is - and he does it only when no one else is around. I think he scared that one girl into submission after she told him he was lying about the idol.
It is going to get more and more interesting now - it seems the girls on the "good" Robert tribe are smart enough to realized the boys are going to pick them off and bad "Robert" is smart enough to try and get them to flip.
Don't have a spot on favorite or two yet - though by far "bad" Robert is the most interesting.