Immortality and Doctor Volkov

Reply Fri 4 Dec, 2009 05:31 pm
I have not reported here since October.

I have been taking H3O for some months now. Only these days, I take it three days, then take HZx for three days.

At first, I could not notice a thing. But after the first three weeks of H3O, I woke up one morning feeling exceptionally well. As I went through the day, I noticed that my poor old worn out legs seemed rejuvenated. The knees felt as if the joints had been flooded with 3-in-1 oil. Then I found that my arms had been improved also. Whereas in the recent past, I could no longer drive nails with a hammer, could not put any pressure to scrub things, and had pain raising my arms above my head, I now had restored function. A short time previous, I often had to essentially pull myself up stairs by tugging on the handrail and making a painful step up at a time. Getting to my knees to do a job presented a problem standing up. Suddenly, I could run up a stair if I so desired. I stood up as naturally as I did ten years ago. And I was driving 16d nails with a 22 oz. hammer.

When my wife noted the improvement, she willingly began taking a daily dose of H3O herself. After about a month, she said, "Is it helping me?"

I replied, "Well, your ankles have not been swelling lately."

A few days after our conversation, she told me how she had been on her knees to do a task, for the first time in years. She still gets pains in her shoulders where she had surgery. But, I hear her mention it less and less.

She does not want her hair to get black again, since it is a long, beautiful white. But, we keep finding black patches near the scalp. She says her hair is much thicker now and grows a bit faster.

My hair is still transitioning. It may have slowed down a bit, since the change of routine.

And the dog was out in the yard running wild and tossing her rubber toy around. It has certainly sparked her up.

Since I began alternating formulas, I still feel great. It is too soon to try to figure if this way of taking it is best for me, but it certainly isn't making me lose any ground.

The delivery man asked how I could be bouncing around like a young man. So, I gave him all the information. He has the same arm and leg problems I had and is nearing his retirement age. Don't know if he will try it. People are naturally skeptical, after being had almost every time someone offers a supposed "miracle product."

My boss has bought some H3O to share with her boyfriend. She says he needs it very badly. Also, the two men that work with me have procured some.
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Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2009 01:32 pm
Correction: I called HRx HZx.
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Reply Wed 9 Dec, 2009 01:35 pm
My boss has bought some H3O to share with her boyfriend.
I asked her how it was going. She told me they broke up. He has the H3O in his possession, but she doubts he will even give it a try.
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Reply Sat 12 Dec, 2009 10:14 am
A benefit of H3O I experienced a few months back came when I tried clearing out patches of poison oak. When the itchy welts and bumps began appearing on my skin, I applied H3O. The itchiness and bumps went away within the hour, never to return.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2010 10:22 pm
Greg Caton, the maker and supplier of H3O has been illegally kidnapped from Ecuador and flown to Miami.

Dear IMVA,

Yesterday I received a disturbing email from Greg Caton’s wife,
naturopath Dr. Cathryn Caton, that her husband was arrested in Ecuador
on December 2, 2009 at a premeditated license check point by
Ecuadorian police. He was then quickly handed over to United States
agents and taken forcibly onto an American Airlines plane against a
judge’s objections. Cathryn has not heard from him since.

I know them for they have recently built a mountain top home in
Ecuador. They sell one of the types of iodine I recommend and we
talked many a late night on skype. Greg is an inspired type who has
been around the block in the nutrition and cancer area and has run
into trouble with the United States government before.

There are a few of us who have escaped down here to the relative
safety of South or Central America. People like me, Mike Adams and
there was Greg, all of us medical and health freedom fighters
resisting the dark empire of the FDA and CDC pharmaceutical universe.

These and other medical and health institutions are the creators and
enforcers of a devastating form of medicine. From our perspective the
United States government is foul, running the greatest terror making
organization in the solar system. Though it is hard to separate the
Americans from the old European lust for conquest and domination.
Certainly their bankers are still playing the oldest and nastiest of
games. Mike Adams interviewed Cathryn and in the second part of the
tape he shares passionately about the war against healers who are
trying to help people. For more on the story click here.

But what can you expect from the only government in the world that
used nuclear weapons on civilian populations and depleted Uranium
weapons in large quantities in Iraq and Afghanistan releasing
staggering amounts of Uranium Oxide into the atmosphere. This is nasty
stuff with a shelf life of billions of years so it’s going to be
around for quite a while thanks to our friendly world dominating

Many times through the years I have gotten letters from readers
remarking about my courage and actually I try to forget about these
communications and the reality they represent as quickly as possible
because even the most courageous heart can feel fear. My commitment to
Medical Veritas " medical truth " has led me to some interesting
discoveries and probably made me some not so interesting enemies.

I have to have courage because what other choice does one have when
facing and trying to live with truth. One reader wrote me saying,
“Just want to say you never seem to be out of step with the state of
decay in the world, something that is evidence of a more divine
ordering in ones existence, so God bless you as you give the truth for
what it is. You are riding high on the light in a world of darkness.”

For me the heart (spiritual part of the pump) is the truth of human
life and one of the most interesting things about the heart (that
Christ and others have talked about) was that it has no tolerance for
liars and lies. Infidelity, what is it that tears people apart? It’s
not the sex it’s the lying about it. It’s the breaking of trust that
disrupts so terribly.

Anyone who has ever experienced trying to hide something meaningful
from someone loved knows the anguish of the heart as it has to suffer
the mind’s increasing need to justify and explain to itself ones
untruthful position. The trap is that it is impossible for the heart
to live (be open) with a lie because the heart is the truth. So once
an infidelity happens the heart gets buried under the weight of the
minds increasing velocity of justifications meaning the heart closes.
It hurts too much to stay open so it closes.

I share that because it really hurts and scares me to think of someone
taking me away from my wife and kids. It makes me think of the Nazi
times that seem to be coming back and Mike Adams mirrors these
thoughts at the end of his audio file above. I think of Cathryn and my
heart goes out to her and her feelings. I don’t want to feel the hurt
and sinking feeling of having something like this happen but it’s hard
to escape when writing about the things I do.

In my case I have to not only be protective for personal reasons but
also for this new form of medicine that I am bringing to people
everywhere on earth. Some people have this unexplained capacity to
dream big but in my case it is my close relationship with my highest
self (yes took two decades out of my life to be a recluse meditating
on the meaning of life and the meaning of pure consciousness).

Another reader wrote me saying, “My Sedona friend and author J.
Hamilton says, “Visionaries thrive in all times”. Dr. Mark is a
visionary and one of those special beings who follows the Bodhisattva
path and gives his Brave heart medicine to all he touches. May he fare
well for all beings’ benefit and continue to manifest his love for the
world through his writings and brilliant clarity. Yours is a voice of
truth in the midst of the growing insanity.”

The point is that I do have this love for humanity and the most
positive expression of that is in this Natural Allopathic Medicine
that I am shouting from the roof tops about. It is certainly new,
though it uses very old remedies like iodine and sodium bicarbonate. I
added magnesium chloride into the mix creating the most perfect and
primary combination of medicinals with all three being plucked right
out of emergency rooms and intensive care wards everywhere, where
these substances are used daily " but not for chronic diseases.

For life saving situations I call this protocol Natural Emergency
Medicine but for cancer and other serious diseases the treatments can
be applied every two or three hours harnessing the raw emergency life
saving power of these widely available highly concentrated “food”
medicines. They have a powerful moving effect on chronic conditions
because each of the agents in the protocol addresses fundamental
physiological issues.

What I am struggling to say is that the most important thing for me is
that the Natural Allopathic Medical approach not be smothered by the
medical Gestapo, by the FDA or anyone else. So if anything ever
happens to me it is all my readers who will need to carry on the light
and coordinate and organize and assist my family as I hope now many
will do for Cathryn.

Below is most of the content I and many received from her yesterday.
Please read and please care.

Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD


In 1984 my husband founded Consumer Express, which later became
Nutrition for Life International (briefly traded on the NASDAQ stock
exchange as “NFLI”). In 1995 he created Alpha Omega Labs
(herbhealers.com / altcancer.com), which became a provider of over 300
alternative health products with 14 distributors around the world,
before its closure by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in
September, 2003.
It successfully reopened in Ecuador in June, 2008.

Alpha Omega Labs is best known for Cansema® " an effective cure for
skin cancer, based on suppressed formulary information dating back to
the 1850’s. Over a 13 year period, Alpha Omega Labs was responsible
for curing thousands of cancer cases.

In 2007, Greg and his wife received residential Visas to live in
Ecuador. The Ecuadorian government had granted us all the proper
permits to manufacture and sell our herbal products from within
Ecuador at that time. And so, we legally reopened Alpha Omega Labs in
the summer of 2008 in Ecuador.

As of 2007, Greg had 1.5 years left to serve on his probation. He had
already been granted permission to fly back and forth from the US to
Ecuador and was hoping to have his probation commuted. However,
because of the involvement of an extremely corrupt FDA agent by the
name of John Armand, who had Greg arrested in 2003, we made a joint
decision to stay here in Ecuador and not travel until his probation
period had been completed. A clear and concise description of Greg’s
first persecution by the US government can be found on: www.meditopia.org
An archive of Greg’s newsletters can be found here: http://www.altcancer.com/ashwarch.htm

On December 2, 2009, Greg was arrested here in Ecuador at a
premeditated license check point by Ecuadorian police. Completely
false charges were brought against him. The charges were that Greg
was in Ecuador illegally and that we were selling herbal products

At the first hearing, we had no trouble showing the judge that the
charges were false which proved Greg’s innocence. As a result, the
judge signed papers to have Greg released from jail. However, the
police chief here has the final say as to which inmate is ultimately
released or not, and by the time the judge arrived, the police chief
had already been heavily pressured and bribed by the U.S. government.
This resulted in him signing paper work to deport Greg… illegally.

We appealed the police chief’s decision. However, at the second
hearing, the Judge essentially froze and said he was not qualified to
make a ruling on the case. We noticed that a US consulate official was
in the hearing room at that moment. Some Ecuadorian Judges have
residential visas in the US and do not want to piss off the US for
fear of losing them.

We filed another appeal. This appeal was approved and a hearing was
scheduled for December 14th or 15th, 2009. I then received a phone
call from Greg this morning: Dec. 12, 2009. He told me that whatever
legal work we were doing was not working. He said he was calling me
from the airport where authorities were preparing to fly him to the US…

I immediately called our assistant who called our attorney who called
the new judge. The new judge drove to the chief of police to release
him from his authority over this case. The judge then drove to the
airport to stop immigration from deporting Greg. Immigration had him
flying out on American airlines flight no. 952 from Guayaquil, Ecuador
to Miami, Florida.

Before the judge got to the airport, our assistant told the police who
were holding Greg at the gate that the judge was on his way with paper
work for Greg to not leave the country. The man from the U.S. State
Department immediately put Greg on the plane (in my opinion…illegally
kidnapping Greg) and told our assistant that he was now in American
territory (the American Airlines plane) and could not be removed.

The judge then arrived with the appropriate paper work and explained
that Greg was not to be flown out of the country but he was ignored by
American Airlines when he attempted to have Greg removed from the
plane, at which point the plane took off. The judge then talked to the
airport tower to have the American Airlines flight stopped. Both
American Airlines and the pilot refused to listen. The judge then
called a general in the Ecuadorian military to have the plane stopped
by forcing it to land in Quito. American Airlines refused to listen.

All of the above took place while the American Airlines plane was
within the country of Ecuador and subject to Ecuadorian law.

I have not heard from my husband since.

People need to understand that what the U.S. government did today….was
totally illegal under Ecuadorian law.

If we are to successfully fight this kind of evil….

0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Jan, 2010 10:32 pm
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Reply Sun 24 Jan, 2010 10:39 am

Preliminary testing shows that H3O has incredible potential as a food preservative. The same "super anti-microbe" characteristics it has generated in medical applications is manifesting in food preservation tests. In a separate report, H3O & Food Stability: A Test, we discuss test results obtained last year on post-harvest tomatoes, which we hope will encourage other, politically-neutral research institutions to follow our lead and those of our associates. If the results to date stand up under scrutiny, there is the distinct possibility that stabilized H3O could not only replace the usual standard-fare food-grade acidulents, such as phosphoric, citric, and lactic acids in a variety of applications, but, of even greater significance and importance, it would replace entire categories of preservatives: virtually all sorbates, benzoates, proprionates, nitrates, and their salts for most food processing stability applications, particularly in fluid and "IM mode" (intermediate moisture) substrates.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Feb, 2010 06:46 pm
I have been working in my back yard while the poison oak is less active. Pulling it up along with other troublesome plants. Within ten minutes of coming in the house, I put a solution of H3o, mixed about 40/60 all over my hands. In this way, I have avoided any itching or outbreaks on the skin.
Reply Thu 4 Feb, 2010 09:06 pm
He looks like the guy that works at my taco cart.

Come to think of it I think that guy is imortal to.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2010 06:24 pm
Changing my way of taking H3O and HRx. Now I am going H3O five days a week and HRx on weekends.
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Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 07:56 pm
I have again made a change. I take only H3O now. The HRx just did not seem to be enhancing the program. If anything, I seemed to be losing my edge.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 08:05 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
I have been working in my back yard while the poison oak is less active. Pulling it up along with other troublesome plants. Within ten minutes of coming in the house, I put a solution of H3o, mixed about 40/60 all over my hands.
In this way, I have avoided any itching or outbreaks on the skin.
No gloves ?
Reply Sun 21 Mar, 2010 08:12 pm
I can't accomplish much with gloves obstructing my efforts.
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 03:05 am
I see.
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 04:38 am
My hands are larger than most. It is hard to find a comfortable enough glove to work in.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 05:04 am

If these claims are correct vinegar should have the same effect.

H3O Concentrate (tm), when properly diluted, provides the acidity found in vinegar, but tastes like water, and is easy to drink.

Whether thses effects you claim are real or imagined they seem to be useful to you.
Good luck.
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 05:53 am
dadpad wrote:

If these claims are correct vinegar should have the same effect.

H3O Concentrate (tm), when properly diluted, provides the acidity found in vinegar, but tastes like water, and is easy to drink.

Whether thses effects you claim are real or imagined they seem to be useful to you.
Good luck.

There is no comparison with vinegar in the actual application. I have tried vinegar diets and in fact often take a dose of vinegar before a meal. Believe me, the science is not there for vinegar. I feel physically younger today and much more energetic with H3O. Nothing I have ever used is remotely the same.
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 06:56 am
edgarblythe wrote:
dadpad wrote:

If these claims are correct vinegar should have the same effect.

H3O Concentrate (tm), when properly diluted, provides the acidity found in vinegar, but tastes like water, and is easy to drink.

Whether thses effects you claim are real or imagined they seem to be useful to you.
Good luck.

There is no comparison with vinegar in the actual application. I have tried vinegar diets and in fact often take a dose of vinegar before a meal. Believe me, the science is not there for vinegar. I feel physically younger today and much more energetic with H3O. Nothing I have ever used is remotely the same.
Is H3O still water ?
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 06:58 am
There is only one workable approach to immortality.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Mar, 2010 12:30 pm
H3O is water that has undergone some sort of process (it is described somewhat in the early posts of this thread) so that it restores to your body's cells some of what has been lost over the years. If you don't keep a secure lid on it, it reverts to being normal water. If I have not already said it here, H3O has added years to my ability to be productive on the job. Prior to taking it, I was near the end of the line.
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