you might be able to help this kitten if you can really dedicate some time every 2 hours if not MORE.
I have to emphasize the word dedicate here. Remember that bird I had? If not, just a quick run down.. baby bird almost featherless, nest knocked out of the tree, nest mates hit by a car.
Bird was not doing well
So I used google to find the correct combination of food ( protien vs grains vs water) and began there. It was every hour I was catering to baby. But he survived, grew correctly and flew away.
baby kittens body may not be able to handle heavy wet food right now.
You might need to only feed it milk. You can do so with a simple turkey baster . Dont squeeze the bulb, let baby kitten lick what it needs from the end and suckle lightly. At petsmart and other stores, they do sell kitten baby bottles. Less than a dollar a piece. If baby kitten is doing all of the natural suckling motions, it is very important to their development that they be able to keep doing so.
When my own cat was a baby...I would press the bottle against my belly so that she could knead on something soft while eating.
I got her when she was so tiny, here eyes were not yet open. That was 12+ years ago.
It is very important also that, if you are going to take care of baby, you NEED to be rubbing its fur. A soft , barely wet washcloth wrapped around your finger works well. Especially on their bum. Remember, they sleep and lay in their own urine. There is a reason momma kitty is always licking them. Reproduce what she does to the best of your capabilities.
i would NOT suggest using any kind of push item such as a plastic hypo to feed with.
Remember, their neck muscles are delicate and not quite strong enough to control a forced flow of liquid. You could drown the kitty and not even know it. If for right now that is all you have to use, push just a drop to the tip of the needle then put it into its mouth. Do not push it while it is in babys mouth. This will make feeding tedious, but will go a long way to avoid aspiration.
Light belly rubs help too though I do not remember why. I just remember in the first few days of having Kitten, in a vets book it was recommended to run her belly lightly and often. But.. again.. unsure why.
If you need to thicken up the baby milk because he or she just does not take it otherwise, get a coffee grinder and clean out it. Take about 3 or 4 pieces of hard food and grind it to a fine powder. Sprinkle that on to the milk and wait until it has softened and turns to a thicker consistency. The softest you can get it is the best. Their body can not push out hard dry food right now. Watery , soupy thickness will be the easiest on babies intestines.
no cow milk. The vast majority of cats are lactose intolerant. Not to mention all of the hormones and other stuff that is IN cow milk now, you might as well be feeding it pills instead of food. Cow milk from the store has no real nutrition to it any how. Since kitty will only eat a few drops at a time, make those drops as nutritionally powerful as possible and stick with canned kitty milk.
good luck to you