@Diest TKO,
Diest TKO wrote:
For a much needed lay, I still think I'd be able to turn down ass if it meant hours of regaled minutia about favorite cats, favorite grandsons and a dozen games of Go Fish.
I know you were totally kidding TKO, you're much too kind a person to be mean on purpose.
However, your comment above got me thinking about all this, in general.
My first thought was, why would an old/older lady (and I'm still not sure what that means) want to be regaled for hours on the minutia of being able to download 10,000 songs onto an ipod, about the mundane goings on of the 80,000 friend one has on facebook, and having the conversation interrupted intermittedly by twitters and texts?
Then I realized that it may be that it's fair game to comment of the boring goings on of someone older, because one realizes that is the path we are all headed toward. Unless of course you live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse. I'd rather go the aging route.
Some older people have what younger people consider an exciting and/or fulfilling life, according to the life they themselves are living at the moment.
The thing is, the same opinion is shared about older people by both youngers that have a pretty full/exciting life themselves, or, are in reality, pretty average, not too exciting, kinda regular boring people themselves.
Most older people don't want to be young again. Oh, they may want some physical problem to go away. They may want to be able to physically do some things it's harder to accomplish. They may want to be able to keep those 20 pounds (or more) off like they did in the past. Those are small specifics they/we occassionally think about. However, when thinking about all the other stuff it means to be young, what they know from experience what they'd have to go through, no way.
As one ages, the wiser people perhaps realize that when the younger crowd makes assumptions about cats, grandsons and go fish, they are really expressing an uneasiness and fear about where they are themselves headed.
Of course, everyone under a certain age is saying right now "no way, that's not going to happen to me"......yeah, sure it isn't.
anyway, what's wrong with talking about a favorite grandchild? That person spent years raising a child, and is now seeing the results of their hard work in another generation. That favorite grandchild is you.
What's wrong with stories about their cat? I mean, it's not like youtube isn't loaded with millions of videos produced by younger people, with hours of clips about their dogs/cats/birds.
Go fish? disk golf, video games on your iphone. zzzzzzzz.