glitterbag wrote:
Quote:The ladies are back on U.S. soil, thanks to Al Gore
The ladies were on North Korean soil,
thanks to Al Gore.
glitterbag wrote:
Quote:and especially Bill Clinton. Al wanted to go, but North Korea wouldn't let that happen...they wanted a bigger symbol to come and get the women released. Can I assume you don't think Bush was much of a gentleman to allow American women soldiers to serve and die or get maimed while fighting in Iraq?????
I do not consider myself to be a friend of either of the Bushes.
When Reagan chose Bush for VP, I disapproved n said so.
Neither Bush had any choice about females in the Army.
That was the law. The Bushes were substantially limited by the law.
The only thing thay coud do to protect the females
was to ignore the aggressions and the threats of Saddam.
We had information of Saddam 's developing various WMDs
that Saddam actually
USED against the Iranians and against the Kurds,
so we
KNEW that he had them. That was
not an illusion.
By the time that we got there, with the speed of a glacier,
Saddam had gotten rid of them.
I was apprehensive that Saddam 'd attack us with smuggled nukes
or other WMDs out of vengeance for our ejecting him from Kuwait.
Hence, I strongly approved of violently removing Saddam.
From that point forward: the mission was accomplished.
Our troops shoud have been brought home, the same as Bush
brought them home from Panama, after he overthrew Noriega.
glitterbag wrote:
Come to thank of it, I'm not too happy that he sent American men to fight a bogus war
based on finding weapons of mass destruction.
MY part,
I am glad that Saddam is not around to be able to nuke us,
when he gets around to it. Possible sources of nukes were
1. the Russians, right next door, replete with semi-starving scientists, and
2. the Red Chinese.
glitterbag wrote:
Quote:I don't like to bust your bubble Dave, but there are American women all over the globe working for the U. S. government and I'm pretty sure they decided all on their own to apply for the positions. These women sometimes travel in very dangerous areas and they know the risks, obviously they hope to avoid harm and come home safely, but it's a dangerous world around us.