@ebrown p,
I'll take a crack at that. I don't have a tv so obviously can't comment too much about Fox. I have read some of the links to Fox stories and I would conclude that I, for what it is worth, don't have a high opinion of that organization.
We have gone round and round about Rasmassen's polling over on the Obama thread. I think most us agreed that in the election polling they were at or near the top in accurately predicting the outcome. You can scroll back many many pages if you want to see that discussion. I am confident I am correct in making that statement.
So why is Rasmussen so prominently cited here? My fingerprints are all over that. Every couple of weeks I would update President Obama's Approval Index using Rasmussen. I chose them because I am known to be very liberal and didn't want to be accused of picking a poll that is perceived to have a liberal bias. Rasmussen was an outfit most of us could live with. That is the pony most of us agreed to ride.
Rasmussen typically uses a sample of 1500 "likely voters" vs "registered voters" or "adults eligible to vote." That can affect the outcome of a poll. They tend to poll 500 people a day for 3 days (a rolling poll) to update the Approval Index. The idea there is to prevent one day's news from causing gyrations.
So that is the story. I chose Rasmussen to try to protect my reputation as being as fair and balanced as I can be. In addition. once we went with Rasmussen the important thing is to watch the trend. We may disagree that Mr Obama's Approval Index is -10. Maybe it is -6 or -14. But we know that, for the last week or so, he has probably been slipping.
I am sorry for such a long response. That is the history of Rasmussen being on this area of A2K.