Roger wrote:This is planned so everyone has health insurance. Just not very good insurance.
This is what really scares me about this whole Obama plan. In order to ensure everyone has some health care, let's downgrade everyone else's plan to some common level of limited, but universal coverage. This may be great for the average person who only goes to the doctor for routine checkups and perhaps the ocassional more serious (non-chronic) health problem, but heaven forbid you need surgery or some other specialist care. While that specialist might cost you an arm and a leg today, at least you can get it. What will incentivize a brain surgeon to continue his deservedly lucrative practice, if some Government bureaucrat determines that he charges too much? Or (as they are considering with banking execs) they decide he gets paid too much.
The reason our health care system is so capable of dealing with the most serious health issues and c0ntinues to innovatively find new cures and treatments is due to the profit-making opportunities in the health business. Monopolistic and socialistic practices like Obamacare will squash that innovation and eventually drive the most competent into other fields.
As for the occassional bone-headed denial of some desparately needed health service from a bureaucrat...that will happen anyway whether that idiot is part of some private company or the Government. Medicare itself imposes a condition that a test or procedure be "reasonable and necessary". So it's the ultimate in self-delusion to think Obamacare will somehow provide any and all treatments to anybody that walks in the door to the doctor's office. Judgements will be made and denials of service will be as commonplace as they are today. The only difference is that, under Obamacare, you will not be able to go to a commercial health provider with check in hand and get the service you were just denied.