That's because Medicare is designed that way. What I suggest there is no medicare. There is no insurance.
Imagine, a small town has 1 or 2 doctors. Usually have to go to a larger town to see specialists. Those small town doctors get paid the same as, lets say an O-5. They then have appointments, they see patients, they do their jobs as doctors because that is what they want to do. They aren't forced to, they choose to. The patient doesn't ever even see a bill. They have a cold, they get a simple test.
As you go from the outside rural areas, you get into larger area's. You get actual hospitals ran the same way. Where specialists and surgeons and the like work as salaried professionals for the government who also provides necessary things for the staff to use.
This way, there is no billing, there is no medicare costs, there is no fraud because the Dr are all getting paid.
Where the opportunity for fraud and abuse exists is with the executive staff. Someone would have to be ordering supplies and others would have to be gauging doctor effort and patient load.
After 10 years, Doctors would have the yearly option of staying with the government or going into private practice where they can then charge what they want and see who they want etc. Only problem is only the wealthy would be seeing private doctors as healthcare would be free at the govt healthcare centers.
I know it's a dream and anytime you get people involved there is opportunity for waste and abuse but if done properly, I think it would offer us the best chance at free, public healthcare.