@Green Witch,
Green Witch wrote:
You really think GWB was in charge of the presidency and Cheney didn't run the show????
Yes, indeed.
I think that.
There were very considerable differences of opinion between them,
but as all good vice-presidents do,
Cheney buried his own views under his loyalty to the President.
One difference that cropped up was his gently, softly expressed
opinion that lesbians shoud have freedom to marry.
His child is a lesbian.
If Cheney had been President,
action in favor of personal freedom to defend your life from
predatory violence by swift and direct access to defensive emergency equipment
woud have been much more
Cheney is a conservative, like Barry Goldwater and me.
Neither of the Bushes were nor are.
Liberty means little to them.
The philosophy of the Founders means little to them.
The Bushes r fake Republicans.