DrewDad wrote:
We hardly need to put words in his mouth. Read what he said:
Quote:The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States.
Quote:Only Osama can execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much violence as necessary.
The first clearly reads that he would consider it a good thing if there were a successful terrorist attack in the US.
The second is a completely circular argument: we will know that we aren't protected when the government fails to protect us.
Just to be fair, let's put it into its full context. The statement was prefaced by a discussion of how Congress and Administration has become complacent, European lapdogs, and unwilling to confront those who intend us economic, structural, or bodily harm.
So in response to Beck's question which was something to the effect: "Are you honstly saying that our Congress and President will not act to defend us unless. . . . "
Michael Scheuer said:
Quote:". . . The only chance we have as a country right now is for Osama bin
Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States.
Because it's going to take a grass-roots, bottom-up pressure. Because
these politicians prize their office, prize the praise of the media
and the Europeans. It's an absurd situation again. Only Osama can
execute an attack which will force Americans to demand that their
government protect them effectively, consistently, and with as much
violence as necessary."
I think most of the intellectually honest would agree that the full context gives it a somewhat different perspective than that being furthered by Media Matters.
Scheurer's bio in Wiki is interesting:
Quote:Michael F. Scheuer is a former CIA employee. In his 22-year career, he served as the Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station (aka "Alec Station"), from 1996 to 1999, the Osama bin Laden tracking unit at the Counterterrorist Center. He then worked again as Special Advisor to the Chief of the bin Laden unit from September 2001 to November 2004. Scheuer became a public figure after being outed as the anonymous author of the 2004 book Imperial Hubris, in which he criticised many of the common United States and Western world assumptions about the motives for Islamic terrorism, and put these into the context of greater Western-Islamic relations.
Scheuer left The Jamestown Foundation in February 2009 from a position as Senior Fellow. He claimed in an anti-war.com article that he was fired by the organization for his outspoken views on US-Israel relations.[1] Jamestown's current president, Glen Howard, has pejoratively likened his views to those of two-time presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul.
(From what I have read of Scheuer previously, he is 100% anti US-instigated war and 100% anti-US support of Israel.)